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Having a hard time with reflection in golang

I am trying to dynamically design a protocol test.

The function which I need to use is go-ethereum's Decode:

Then some of my code uses it:

   msg <- receive() //sends me a message of type p2p.Msg

   var message MyTargetType
   msg.Decode(&message) // this works correctly and this is apparently the correct way to use the function, with a pointer to the variable

   anotherMessage := output.Msg // this is an interface{}, see below
   msg.Decode(&anotherMessage) // this fails

I don't understand why the Decode method handles the two differently. A little test program:

package main

import (

type mystruct struct {
    hello string

func main() {
    var first mystruct
    second := mystruct{}


This prints the types to be the same:


But somehow, Decode above, which uses reflection internally, handles them differently.

What's my problem? For my protocol test, I want to define the type of the output to be expected:

type Output struct {
  Msg interface{}

Since the messages can be of very different type, I thought the only way is to use interface{}. Therefore:

output := Output{
    Msg: MyTargetType{}.

anotherOutput := Output{
    Msg: AnotherType{}.
// and so on

so that I then later can check that the output received is the one expected. But that Decode method is driving me crazy.

I have tried several things with reflection, e.g.

   var decodedMsg = reflect.TypeOf(output.Msg)

or even

   var decodedMsg = reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(output.Msg)).Elem().Interface()
   fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(decodedMsg)) //this actually prints the correct type!!! 
   // But then Decode fails nonetheless with:
   // interface given to Decode must be a pointer


  • The argument to Decode must be a pointer to the target type. Use this code:

    output := Output{
        Msg: &MyTargetType{},  // note pointer

    Use the reflect API to handle any type:

    output := Output{
        Msg: MyTargetType{},
    // Allocate new value.
    v := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(output.Msg))
    // Decode to that value.  Note that v has pointer to new value.
    //  Assign new value to field.