First and foremost; thanks in advance for any and all feedback provided.
I'm building a web scraper using the Playwright Python API. There's an element on a page, related to an authentication flow, that only loads after waiting a significant amount of time. When clicked, it redirects the user several times until the authentication process is complete.
To reduce the waiting time, I thought of executing the JavaScript associated to the element with page.evaluate()
, since the JS file is shipped as soon as the page is loaded. Like so:
with page.expect_navigation(wait_until="domcontentloaded", url=targetUrl):
The method works: it always redirects to the desired page. However, around 20% of times, the following error occurs:
Execution context was destroyed, most likely because of a navigation
In testing, I've tried adding timeouts before and after the call to page.evaluate()
, which on the surface seems to reduce the amount of crashes, however, the process is still unstable and adding timeouts beats the purpose of the solution.
I thought the page.expect_navigation()
context was exactly for that purpose. Is there something I am fundamentally not understanding?
expect_navigation : This method is deprecated as its inherently racy
, please use page.wait_for_url() instead."a.delayed-navigation") # clicking the link will indirectly cause a navigation