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Convert ISO String Date to %d-%m-%Y %H%M%S in C

I have a ASCII array (converted String date format 2023-26-04T12:01:42.123+01:00) The byte array is now:

 32 30 32 33 2D 30 34 2D 32 36 54 30 39 3A 31 31 3A 35 37 2E 39 36 37 2B 30 39 3A 31 31  

The format of final date must be in

 DD-MM-YYYY HHmmss (parse ascii bytes and trim).

Is there any function in C which can help in conversion. So far I have done, but seems incorrect:

void convertUTCTimeto24HourFormat(const void* data)
    char buf[sizeof "24-04-2023 245957"]; //sample to know size
    struct tm tm;
    /* 1. Convert buffer to time struct */
    memset(&tm, 0, sizeof(struct tm));
    /* 2. strip the time and zone from data */    
    (void)strptime(data, "%FT%TZ", &tm);
    strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d-%m-%Y %H%M%S", &tm);  

Is struct tm not the way? Or creating char array and parsing one by one (conversion from ascii to hex and back seems tedious)


  • Is there any function in C which can help in conversion(?)

    Yes, strptime()/strftime() are useful, when available. See below.

    Is struct tm not the way?

    struct tm is one way to do this.

    Problems with (void)strptime(data, "%FT%TZ", &tm);

    • strptime() is not a standard C library function. Various systems define it like this.

    • "%FT%TZ" likely should be "%FT%T%z": Add % , z for offset, not Z name.

    • Ignoring the return value. Good code checks the return value for errors.

    OP's ASCII array lacks a null character, needed for strptime().

    Untested alternative:

    // Return error flag
    int convertUTCTimeto24HourFormat(size_t buf_size, char *buf, const void* data) {
        // Copy data and append a \0
        char source[sizeof "2023-04-26T12:01:42.123+01:00"];
        strncpy(source, data, sizeof source - 1);
        source[sizeof source - 1] = '\0';
        //  Parse string
        char buf[sizeof "24-04-2023 245957"];
        struct tm tm = { 0 };// Use this instead of memset().
        if (strptime(source, "%FT%T%z", &tm) == NULL) {
          return 1;
        // Form new string.
        if (strftime(buf, buf_size, "%d-%m-%Y %H%M%S", &tm) == 0) {
          return 2;
        return 0;

    Ref: ISO-8601.

    Assume OP's typo:

    (converted String date format 2023-26-04T12:01:42.123+01:00) Original
    (converted String date format 2023-04-26T12:01:42.123+01:00) Change in month/day

    OP's sample byte array is questionable

    32 30 32 33 2D 30 34 2D 32 36 54 30 39 3A 31 31 3A 35 37 2E 39 36 37 2B 30 39 3A 31 31  

    I suspect it is instead

     2  0  2  3  -  0  4  -  2  6  T  0  9  :  1  1  :  5  7  .  9  6  7  +  0  9  :  1  1
    32 30 32 33 2D 30 34 2D 32 36 54 30 39 3A 31 31 3A 35 37 2E 39 36 37 2B 30 39 3A 31 31