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Delete folders specific folder in adf

I have the follwing set of activities ( see below image) which deletes the folders which are older than 5 days. My path looks like this bronze/D365/Snapshot/salestable/"todaydate"/*.parquet. Below pipeline deletes folders from salestable folder.

enter image description here

In the get metadataactivity I have following settings: enter image description here

where the folder_path is only pointing( hardcoded) SalesTable.

My goal is to make this dynamic and pass all the table names as I dont have only salestable there.

I tired to but the entire pipeline under ForEach loop and before for each loop another Getmetada activty which gives all the table names. Like this:

enter image description here

my problem is that I dont know how to pass the value from the Getmetadata_Of_ALL inside ForEach activity for get metadata activity dataset. So dataset filepath will become dynamic


    • You can use get metadata on bronze/D365/Snapshot/ path as use field list as child items to get list of folders inside this path (since you have multiple folders along with salesTable).

    • The following is the demo of the same. I have folder structure as data/a/b inside which I have 3 folders (like salesTable and inside which I have todays date folder). I have used get Metadata on these and got the result as shown below:

    enter image description here

    • Now iterate through each of these folders. Inside for each, use another get metadata activity with dataset JSON as below:
        "name": "csv2",
        "properties": {
            "linkedServiceName": {
                "referenceName": "adls1",
                "type": "LinkedServiceReference"
            "parameters": {
                "folder_name": {
                    "type": "string"
            "annotations": [],
            "type": "DelimitedText",
            "typeProperties": {
                "location": {
                    "type": "AzureBlobFSLocation",
                    "folderPath": {
                        "value": "a/b/@{dataset().folder_name}",
                        "type": "Expression"
                    "fileSystem": "data"
                "columnDelimiter": ",",
                "escapeChar": "\\",
                "quoteChar": "\""
            "schema": []
    • Pass the value for folder_name parameter from the get metadata activity as @item().name.

    enter image description here

    • This would give the contents of each of the folders returned in the first get metadata activity which can be further used.

    enter image description here