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The argument type 'CollectionReference<Object?>' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'Query<Map<String, dynamic>>'. (Documentation)

enter image description hereI'm writing an app to show nearby ATMs. I want to pass the collection refernce and i get this error.

Stream nearbyATM() async* {
    GeoFirePoint point = geo.point(latitude: _position!.latitude, longitude: _position!.longitude);
    final CollectionReference atms = _firestore.collection("atms");
    double radius = 100;
    String field = "location";
    Stream<List<DocumentSnapshot>> stream = geo
                            .collection(collectionRef: atms)
                            .within(center: point, radius: radius, field: field);

In CollectionReference atms error


  • To use the .within() method with the GeoFlutterFire package, you need to pass a Query object as an argument to the GeoFireCollectionRef.collection() method.

    You can directly use var query = _firestore.collection("atms").where(field, isLessThanOrEqualTo: point.distance, isGreaterThan: point.distance - radius); to make the inference do it’s thing but If we can also define the Types implicitly as follows:

    Stream nearbyATM() async* {
      GeoFirePoint point = geo.point(latitude: _position!.latitude, longitude: _position!.longitude);
      double radius = 100;
      String field = "location";
    // Let the Auto inference do it’s thing
      Query<Map<String, dynamic>> query =  _firestore.collection("atms").where(field, isLessThanOrEqualTo: point.distance, isGreaterThan: point.distance - radius);
    // You can also 
      Stream<List<DocumentSnapshot>> stream = geo.collection(collectionRef: query).within(center: point, radius: radius, field: field);

    We can pass Firebase Query to the collectionRef of geo.collection not just CollectionRef of firestore only.

    Reference : geoflutterfire.