I have a custom component class for the Vaadin Grid: import { Grid, GridColumn } from '@vaadin/grid';
@customElement('test-vaadin-grid') export class TestVaadinGrid extends Grid {}
@customElement('test-vaadin-grid-column') export class TestVaadinGridColumn extends GridColumn {}
However the cell content for each table cell is blank for:
<test-vaadin-grid .items="${items}">
<test-vaadin-grid-column path="firstName"></test-vaadin-grid-column>
<test-vaadin-grid-column path="lastName"></test-vaadin-grid-column>
<test-vaadin-grid-column path="email"></test-vaadin-grid-column>
<test-vaadin-grid-column path="profession"></test-vaadin-grid-column>
If you replace test-vaadin-grid with vaadin-grid then the cells are populated, why is this the case? I was expecting the table cells to be correctly populated with test-vaadin-grid.
At least in vaadin-grid-column.js
, you can see that it's expecting the parent grid element to follow a specific naming pattern:
_findHostGrid() {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-this-alias, consistent-this
let el = this;
// Custom elements extending grid must have a specific localName
while (el && !/^vaadin.*grid(-pro)?$/u.test(el.localName)) {
el = el.assignedSlot ? el.assignedSlot.parentNode : el.parentNode;
return el || undefined;