I need to change a text color of a code cell (namely code cell, not just a text block) that is defined using "`" symbols in Markdown. All my attempts have failed and the color stays the same, which is by default black
I have tried to use <font color="...">...<\font>
attribute and also <span style="color:...;">...<\span>
attribute. All of them didn't work and the text is still the same as on the attached image. How can I solve this problem and finally change the color to whatever I want?
Code cell which text I want to change
If you want to add syntax highlighting to a programming language, it can be written like this:
# For example, you want to use Python
print("the syntax is highlighted")
The result would be like this:
print("the syntax is highlighted")
As far as I know, Markdown doesn't support color. So what you'll need is wrap the code cell as HTML.
Instead of this:
`some beautiful text here`
You would want to write this:
<code>some beautiful text here</code>
And then add the span tag to change the color:
<code>some <span style='color:blue'>beautiful</span> text here</code>
At this point, the word 'beautiful' will change to blue.
It works on my VSCode Markdown viewer. But different app will render Markdown differently.