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how best to add these two data frames together?

Below is the sample data. Here is what I am trying to do.. I have data in the first data frame. It is an adjustment. The second data frame is the existing data. For the year, d2022, I need to substract the values from first from the items in second. How would I go about this?

this is the adjustment

 indcode  <- c(482000,482000,482000,524000,524000,524000)
 area <- c(000032,029820,039900,000032,029820,039900)
 ownership <- c(50,50,50,50,50,50)
 d2022 <- c(10,6,2,100,60,20)


 ## This is the existing data

 indcode <- c(482000,482000,482000,484000,484000,484000,524000,524000,524000,531000,531000,531000)
 area <- c(000032,029820,039900,000032,029820,039900,000032,029820,039900,000032,029820,039900)
 ownership <- c(50,50,50,20,30,50,50,50,50,20,30,50)
 d2020 <- c(200,199,198,197,196,195,194,193,192,191,190,189)
 d2021 <- c(201,200,199,198,197,196,195,194,193,192,191,190)
 d2022 <- c(204,203,202,201,200,199,198,197,196,195,194,193)

 second <- data.frame(indcode1,area1,ownership1,d2020,d2021,d2022)


  • Well this works, but its hard coded explicitly for the year 2022 that you asked about, but I'm guessing you maybe have corrections for other years too?

    second %>%
        left_join(First,join_by(indcode, area, ownership)) %>%
        mutate(d2022 = d2022.x-na.fill(d2022.y,0)) %>%


    > second %>%
    +     left_join(First,join_by(indcode, area, ownership)) %>%
    +     mutate(d2022 = d2022.x-na.fill(d2022.y,0)) %>%
    +     select(-matches("\\.[xy]$"))
    +    indcode  area ownership d2020 d2021 d2022
    1   482000    32        50   200   201   194
    2   482000 29820        50   199   200   197
    3   482000 39900        50   198   199   200
    4   484000    32        20   197   198   201
    5   484000 29820        30   196   197   200
    6   484000 39900        50   195   196   199
    7   524000    32        50   194   195    98
    8   524000 29820        50   193   194   137
    9   524000 39900        50   192   193   176
    10  531000    32        20   191   192   195
    11  531000 29820        30   190   191   194
    12  531000 39900        50   189   190   193