I want to generate an ESB with bicep and several topics. Each topic could have one or more subscriptions. These are defined inside this list.
var topics = [{
name: 'topic.one'
subscriptions: [ 'esm', 'erp', 'pms' ]
}, {
name: 'topic.two'
subscriptions: [ 'esm' ]
}, {
name: 'topic.three'
subscriptions: [ 'erp', 'insights' ]
}, {
name: 'topic.four'
subscriptions: [ 'pms', 'cmdb']
}, {
name: 'topic.five'
subscriptions: [ 'billing', 'custom', 'erp', 'dax' ]
When I create the resource the easiest and most dynamic solution will create a loop inside a loop like below.
resource sb_events 'Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces@2022-01-01-preview' = {
name: 'servicebus-events'
location: 'westeurope'
sku: {
capacity: 1
name: 'Standard'
tier: 'Standard'
resource topic_resources 'topics' = [for topic in topics: {
name: topic.name
resource subscription_resources 'subscriptions' = [for subscription in topic.subscriptions: {
name: subscription
properties: vSubscriptionProperties
But this gives me next error:
A nested resource cannot appear inside of a resource with a for-expression. bicep(BCP160)
When this code looks logic, the bicep compiler don't accept this. How could I fix this?
Bicep does not support nested loop for the moment:
You could have a module that creates a topic and subscriptions:
// sb-topic-and-subscriptions.bicep
param namespaceName string
param topicName string
param subscriptionNames array
param vSubscriptionProperties object
resource namespace 'Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces@2022-01-01-preview' existing = {
name: namespaceName
resource topic 'Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/topics@2022-01-01-preview' = {
parent: namespace
name: topicName
resource subscriptions 'subscriptions' = [for sub in subscriptionNames: {
name: sub
properties: vSubscriptionProperties
Then you can invoke it from your main:
// loop and create all the topics and subscription.
module topicsModule 'sb-topic-and-subscriptions.bicep' = [for topic in topics: {
name: topic.name
params: {
namespaceName: 'servicebus-events'
subscriptionNames: topic.subscriptions
topicName: topic.name
vSubscriptionProperties: vSubscriptionProperties