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how to convert get_comment_date() wordpress function to return persian date

In wordpress I use code below to get today persian's date.

function getDateIntl(?\DateTime $date = null, ?string $locale = null, ?DateTimeZone $timezone = null, $dateFormat)
    $date = $date ?? new \DateTime();
    $locale = $locale ?? \Locale::getDefault();
    $formatter = new \IntlDateFormatter(
    return $formatter->format($date);
echo getDateIntl(new DateTime(), "fa@calendar=persian", new \DateTimeZone('Asia/Tehran'), 'eeee، dd MMMM');

Now I'm in single blog posts and want to use this function to convert comments date to perisan defualt function of comment date is: get_comment_date()

defualt funtion of wordpress returns string that I can not replace it with "new DateTime()"


  • Wordpress has a special hook in which you can do any manipulation with the date when the function get_comment_date() will be used:

    add_filter( 'get_comment_date', 'my_get_comment_date_filter', 10, 3 );
     * Function for `get_comment_date` filter-hook.
     * @param string|int $date    Formatted date string or Unix timestamp.
     * @param string     $format  PHP date format.
     * @param WP_Comment $comment The comment object.
     * @return string|int
    function my_get_comment_date_filter( $date, $format, $comment ){
        // filter...
        return $date;