after quite a few attempts i can't seem to access the columns of the dataframe pictured below (partially) for type conversion. They are all strings upon import through, and i need them to be Numbers.
THX in advance for your time!
I;ve tried (1)
col_years = contains.(names(df),"YR")
transform!(df, names(df)[col_years] .=> ByRow(x->parse(Number, x)), renamecols = false)
with no success as well as (2)
for c in names(df)[col_years]
df[!, c] = convert.(Number, df[!, c])
Error message for (1)
MethodError: no method matching parse(::Type{Number}, ::String31)
Closest candidates are:
parse(::Type{T}, ::AbstractString; base) where T<:Integer at parse.jl:240
parse(::Type{T}, ::AbstractString; kwargs...) where T<:Real at parse.jl:379
parse(::Type{P}, ::AbstractString; kwargs...) where P<:FilePathsBase.AbstractPath at ~/.julia/packages/FilePathsBase/9kSEl/src/path.jl:77
When i try using the closest candidates it still fails but when substituting Int for Number above, i get
ArgumentError: invalid base 10 digit '.' in "80.0511140452116"
(Error message for (2) is highly similar)
A df similar to the one im working with (plz NOTE Mr. Kaminski's answer works for it, apparently b/c julia likes 'String' but not 'String31' for Float64 conversions?)
f = DataFrame(Series = ["SP.POP.DPND"],
YR1960 = ["80.0511140452116"],
YR1961 = ["80.2223403638055"],
YR1962 = ["80.4019428356728"])
Parse the values as Float64
julia> parse(Float64, "12.3")
However, if
did not parse them as Float64
automatically it means that some values in your data frame are invalid and cannot be parsed as numbers. In such case you can either: