grammar test;
parse:(expr|type)EOF ;
type: ID('<'ID'>')?;
expr:ID Compaire ID;
Compaire:'>' | '<';
I am learning antlr4 , why can not parse Compaire lexer
but can parse compaire parser
As already mentioned in the comments: when using tokens like '<'
or '>'
in parser rules, what really happens is this:
type : ID ('<' ID '>')?;
expr : ID Compaire ID;
T__1 : '<';
T__2 : '>';
Compaire : '>' | '<';
In other words, for all of the '...'
tokens ANTLR encounters inside parser rules (that cannot be directly mapped to lexer rules!), ANTLR will create a lexer rule behind the scenes. And in your case, this causes that the token Compaire
will never be created because T__1
and T__2
already match these chars.
To fix it, you could do:
// the parser now uses LT and GT, and will not create T__1 and T__2
type : ID ('<' ID '>')?;
expr : ID compaire ID;
compaire : GT | LT;
GT : '>';
LT : '<';
The above will work, but I recommend to not use literal tokens inside your parser rules and always do:
type : ID (LT ID GT)?;
expr : ID compaire ID;
compaire : GT | LT;
GT : '>';
LT : '<';