I'm trying to traverse a graph and extract a sub-tree out of it based on the criteria which is defined in my code. The details of the graph or the criteria is not important. However, the process of creating the tree has been very challenging due to the complexity of references and borrowing in rust. I'm not pro in rust.
To make it simple, I have 2 functions:
fn run_subsequent_scripts(&self, graph: &PageGraph, depth: usize) -> ScriptTree {
let mut level: usize;
let mut visited: HashMap<NodeId, bool> = HashMap::new();
// create a queue for BFS
let mut queue = vec![];
// Starting vertex maked as visited and added to queueu
let script_info = get_script_info(graph, self.query.id);
let mut root = ScriptTree::new(script_info.0 ,script_info.1, script_info.2);
visited.insert(self.query.id, true);
queue.push(&mut root);
let mut level_meter: Vec<NodeId> = Vec::new();
// continue until queue is empty
while queue.len() != 0 && level_meter.len() < depth {
level = queue.len();
while level != 0 {
// Get the front of the queue and remove it
let mut child_node: ScriptTree;
let parent_node = queue.remove(0);
level -= 1;
// Get all adjacent vertices from that vertex
// neighbors of the parent
let neighbors: Vec<NodeId> = get_injected_scripts(&graph, parent_node.script_info.script_node_id, &Action::script());
let mut neighbor_nodes: Vec<ScriptTree> = Vec::new();
for child_id in neighbors {
if !visited.contains_key(&child_id) {
//mark as visited
visited.insert(child_id, true);
// push back to check this vertex's vertices
let child_script_info = get_script_info(graph, child_id);
child_node = ScriptTree::new(child_script_info.0, child_script_info.1, child_script_info.2);
queue.push(&mut child_node);
self.update_tree(&mut root, &parent_node, neighbor_nodes);
level += 1;
return root
fn update_tree(&self, subtree: &mut ScriptTree, parent_node: &ScriptTree, node_neighbors: Vec<ScriptTree>) {
if subtree.node_id == parent_node.node_id {
// Return a reference to this node if it has the target ID
for child in node_neighbors{
else {
// Recursively search the children of this node
for mut child in &subtree.children {
self.update_tree(&mut child, parent_node, node_neighbors);
This code gives me error in multiple lines:
In function 1,
child_node = ScriptTree::new(child_script_info.0, child_script_info.1, child_script_info.2);
it says "cannot assign to child_node
because it is borrowed assignment to borrowed child_node
occurs here".queue.push(&mut child_node);
it says "cannot borrow child_node
as mutable more than once at a time child_node
was mutably borrowed here in the previous iteration of the loop"neighbor_nodes.push(child_node);
it says "cannot move out of child_node
because it is borrowed move out of child_node
occurs here"self.update_tree(&mut root, &parent_node, neighbor_nodes);
it says "cannot borrow root
as mutable more than once at a time second mutable borrow occurs here"In function 2:
self.update_tree( &mut child, parent_node, node_neighbors);
it says:&
reference as mutable cannot borrow as mutablenode_neighbors
value moved here, in previous iteration of loopI appreciate any help to solve the issue!
In run_subsequent_scripts
let mut child_node: ScriptTree
to let child_node: ScriptTree
without initializing it, which allows assigning to it later without borrowing it mutably.queue.push(&mut root)
to queue.push(root)
let mut neighbor_nodes: Vec<ScriptTree> = Vec::new()
to let mut neighbor_nodes = Vec::with_capacity(neighbors.len())
vector to use for child_node in node_neighbors.into_iter()
vector and allows moving the ScriptTree
values out of it without borrowing them.In update_tree
for mut child in &subtree.children
to for child in &mut subtree.children
Updated Code with sample inputs (Rust Playground):
use std::collections::HashMap;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct NodeId(u32);
struct PageGraph;
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct ScriptInfo(u32, u32, u32);
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct ScriptTree {
script_info: ScriptInfo,
children: Vec<ScriptTree>,
impl ScriptTree {
fn new(a: u32, b: u32, c: u32) -> Self {
ScriptTree {
script_info: ScriptInfo(a, b, c),
children: Vec::new(),
fn add_child(&mut self, child: ScriptTree) {
enum Action {
fn get_injected_scripts(
_graph: &PageGraph,
_node_id: u32,
_action: &Action,
) -> Vec<NodeId> {
vec![NodeId(1), NodeId(2), NodeId(3)]
fn get_script_info(_graph: &PageGraph, _node_id: NodeId) -> ScriptInfo {
ScriptInfo(1, 2, 3)
struct Query {
id: NodeId,
struct Example {
query: Query,
impl Example {
fn run_subsequent_scripts(&self, graph: &PageGraph, depth: usize) -> ScriptTree {
let mut level: usize = 0;
let mut visited: HashMap<NodeId, bool> = HashMap::new();
let mut queue = vec![];
let script_info = get_script_info(graph, self.query.id.clone());
let mut root = ScriptTree::new(script_info.0, script_info.1, script_info.2);
visited.insert(self.query.id.clone(), true);
let mut level_meter: Vec<NodeId> = Vec::new();
while !queue.is_empty() && level < depth {
let level_size = queue.len();
for _ in 0..level_size {
let mut neighbor_nodes = Vec::new();
let parent_node = queue.remove(0);
let neighbors = get_injected_scripts(&graph, parent_node.script_info.0, &Action::Script);
for child_id in neighbors {
if !visited.contains_key(&child_id) {
visited.insert(child_id.clone(), true);
let child_script_info = get_script_info(graph, child_id.clone());
let child_node = ScriptTree::new(
self.update_tree(&mut root, &parent_node, neighbor_nodes);
level += 1;
fn update_tree(
subtree: &mut ScriptTree,
parent_node: &ScriptTree,
node_neighbors: Vec<ScriptTree>,
) {
if subtree.script_info.0 == parent_node.script_info.0 {
for child_node in node_neighbors {
} else {
for child in &mut subtree.children {
self.update_tree(child, parent_node, node_neighbors.clone());
fn main() {
let graph = PageGraph;
let example = Example {
query: Query { id: NodeId(1) },
let depth = 1;
let script_tree = example.run_subsequent_scripts(&graph, depth);
println!("{:#?}", script_tree);
Best practice: Providing a minimum viable example code (in question) that can be executable by others.