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Code block inside a list gets badly formated

Consider the following quarto document:

  cache: false
jupyter: python3
   number-sections: true
   fontsize: 12 pt
   papersize: A4
   fig-pos: 'H'
   geometry: "left=2.54cm,right=2.54cm,top=2.54cm,bottom=2.54cm"
   classoption: abstract, table
     text: |
1. This is an item.

    a) Something

         #|echo: false
         #|result: asis

         import pandas as pd

         data = {'A': [15, 30],
                'b': [8, 5]}

         df = pd.DataFrame(data)

The output is badly formatted, as can be seen below. Could someone please help me?

enter image description here


  • From the Pandoc docs,

    A list item may contain multiple paragraphs and other block-level content. However, subsequent paragraphs must be preceded by a blank line and indented to line up with the first non-space content after the list marker.

    So if you want to indent both a) Something and Code output within the 1. This is an item., you need to indent both of them so that they line up with the T character from 1. This is an item..

    [Used the Same YAML options as the OP. Removed them just to show the relevant part]
    1. This is an item.
       a) Something
       import pandas as pd
       data = {'A': [15, 30], 'b': [8, 5]}
       df = pd.DataFrame(data)

    code block inside the list

    And if you want to indent the code block within the second level list a) Something, the code block must be indented to line up with the S character of a) Something.

    [Used the Same YAML options as the OP. Removed them just to show the relevant part]
    1. This is an item.
       a) Something
          import pandas as pd
          data = {'A': [15, 30], 'b': [8, 5]}
          df = pd.DataFrame(data)

    code block indented within the sublist

    Also note the preceding blank line before the code chunk in both cases.