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How to use NSCursor to display custom cursor

I am trying to use custom cursor in my game using nscursor. I use following code

//While initializing openglview 
    mCustomCursor = [[NSCursor alloc] initWithImage:image hotSpot:NSZeroPoint];
    [image release];
[mCustomCursor set]

I am setting cursor rect in resetcursorrect method

- (void)resetCursorRects

    [self  addCursorRect:currentViewPortRect cursor:[NSCursor currentCursor]];


Custom cursor appears, It is not consistent, at times it switches back to system cursor (for alerts), some times it comes back and sometime not. It is so confusing. I am not sure if I should use 'setOnMouseEntered', 'pop'. What is the standard way to use nscursor and change it dynamically.


  • You're changing the cursor to the current cursor, which isn't changing it at all. To display your own custom cursor, you must pass your custom cursor when creating the cursor rect.