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Scala 3 constructor inheritance with macros

Every class implementing a trait must declare a constructor that sets trait's fields:

sealed trait WithPayload:
    def description: String
    def payload1: Int
    def payload2: Long

// All WithPayload's fields have to be listed.
final case class Foo(
    override val payload1: Int,
    override val payload2: Long
) extends WithPayload:
    override def description = "foo"

// All WithPayload's fields have to be listed again.
final case class Bar(
    override val payload1: Int,
    override val payload2: Long
) extends WithPayload:
    override def description = "bar"

Is there a way to get rid of repeated constructor declarations with a macro, kinda like

    override val payload1: Int, \
    override val payload2: Long \
) extends WithPayload

and then:

final case class Foo EXTENDS_WITH_PAYLOAD:
    override def description = "foo"

final case class Bar EXTENDS_WITH_PAYLOAD:
    override def description = "bar"


  • import scala.annotation.{StaticAnnotation, compileTimeOnly}
    import scala.language.experimental.macros
    import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox
    @compileTimeOnly("enable macro annotations")
    class extendsWithPayload extends StaticAnnotation {
      def macroTransform(annottees: Any*): Any = macro ExtendsWithPayloadMacros.macroTransformImpl
    object ExtendsWithPayloadMacros {
      def macroTransformImpl(c: blackbox.Context)(annottees: c.Tree*): c.Tree = {
        import c.universe._
        annottees match {
          case q"$mods class $tpname[..$tparams] $ctorMods(...$paramss) extends { ..$earlydefns } with ..$parents { $self => ..$stats }" :: tail =>
            val parents1 = parents :+ tq"WithPayload"
            val newParams = Seq(q"override val payload1: Int", q"override val payload2: Long")
            val paramss1 = paramss match {
              case Nil => Seq(newParams)
              case params :: paramss1 => (params ++ newParams) :: paramss1
              $mods class $tpname[..$tparams] $ctorMods(...$paramss1) extends { ..$earlydefns } with ..$parents1 { $self =>
    sealed trait WithPayload {
      def description: String
      def payload1: Int
      def payload2: Long
    final case class Foo() {
      override def description = "foo"
    final case class Bar() {
      override def description = "bar"
    //final case class Foo extends WithPayload with scala.Product with scala.Serializable {
    //    override <caseaccessor> <paramaccessor> val payload1: Int = _;
    //    override <caseaccessor> <paramaccessor> val payload2: Long = _;
    //    def <init>(payload1: Int, payload2: Long) = {
    //      super.<init>();
    //      ()
    //    };
    //    override def description = "foo"
    //  };
    //  ()
    //final case class Bar extends WithPayload with scala.Product with scala.Serializable {
    //    override <caseaccessor> <paramaccessor> val payload1: Int = _;
    //    override <caseaccessor> <paramaccessor> val payload2: Long = _;
    //    def <init>(payload1: Int, payload2: Long) = {
    //      super.<init>();
    //      ()
    //    };
    //    override def description = "bar"
    //  };
    //  ()
    • In Scala 3 there will appear macro annotations too but new definitions can only be seen inside macro expansion

    Macro Annotations in Scala 3 (answer)

    How to generate a class in Dotty with macro? (answer)

    Scala 3 macro to create enum

    How to generate parameterless constructor at compile time using scala 3 macro?

    What can you do with MacroAnnotaiton that you cannot do with Macros in Scala 3?

    scalaVersion := "3.3.0-RC4"
    import scala.annotation.{MacroAnnotation, experimental}
    import scala.collection.mutable
    import scala.quoted.*
    /*sealed*/ trait WithPayload:
      def description: String
      def payload1: Int
      def payload2: Long
    class extendsWithPayload extends MacroAnnotation:
      def transform(using Quotes)(tree: quotes.reflect.Definition): List[quotes.reflect.Definition] =
        import quotes.reflect.*
        tree match
          case ClassDef(className, ctr, parents, self, body) =>
            val res = List(ClassDef.copy(tree)(className, ctr, parents :+ TypeTree.of[WithPayload], self, body))
    @extendsWithPayload @experimental
    final case class Foo():
      override def description = "foo" // method description overrides nothing
    @extendsWithPayload @experimental
    final case class Bar():
      override def description = "bar" // method description overrides nothing
    summon[Foo <:< WithPayload] // Cannot prove that Foo <:< WithPayload
    val foo = new Foo()
    foo: WithPayload // Found: (foo: Foo), Required: WithPayload
    //List(@scala.annotation.experimental @Macros.extendsWithPayload final case class Foo() extends Macros.WithPayload {
    //  override def hashCode(): scala.Int = scala.runtime.ScalaRunTime._hashCode(Foo.this)
    //  override def equals(x$0: scala.Any): scala.Boolean = Foo.this.eq(x$0.$asInstanceOf$[java.lang.Object]).||(x$0 match {
    //    case x$0: App.Foo @scala.unchecked =>
    //      true
    //    case _ =>
    //      false
    //  })
    //  override def toString(): java.lang.String = scala.runtime.ScalaRunTime._toString(Foo.this)
    //  override def canEqual(that: scala.Any): scala.Boolean = that.isInstanceOf[App.Foo @scala.unchecked]
    //  override def productArity: scala.Int = 0
    //  override def productPrefix: scala.Predef.String = "Foo"
    //  override def productElement(n: scala.Int): scala.Any = n match {
    //    case _ =>
    //      throw new java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException(n.toString())
    //  }
    //  override def description: java.lang.String = "foo"
    //List(@scala.annotation.experimental @Macros.extendsWithPayload final case class Bar() extends Macros.WithPayload {
    //  override def hashCode(): scala.Int = scala.runtime.ScalaRunTime._hashCode(Bar.this)
    //  override def equals(x$0: scala.Any): scala.Boolean = Bar.this.eq(x$0.$asInstanceOf$[java.lang.Object]).||(x$0 match {
    //    case x$0: App.Bar @scala.unchecked =>
    //      true
    //    case _ =>
    //      false
    //  })
    //  override def toString(): java.lang.String = scala.runtime.ScalaRunTime._toString(Bar.this)
    //  override def canEqual(that: scala.Any): scala.Boolean = that.isInstanceOf[App.Bar @scala.unchecked]
    //  override def productArity: scala.Int = 0
    //  override def productPrefix: scala.Predef.String = "Bar"
    //  override def productElement(n: scala.Int): scala.Any = n match {
    //    case _ =>
    //      throw new java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException(n.toString())
    //  }
    //  override def description: java.lang.String = "bar"
    • For example you can use code generation with Scalameta

    Macro annotation to override toString of Scala function (answer)

    In Java or Scala, is there a way to add a callback to an exception so that when the exception is caught, the callback is invoked? (answer)

    Scala conditional compilation

    How to merge multiple imports in scala?

    Scalac 2.13 compiling large auto generated scala file: Method too large


    libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
      "org.scalameta" %% "scalameta" % "4.7.7"


    ThisBuild / scalaVersion := "3.2.2"
    lazy val common = project
    lazy val before = project
    lazy val after = project
        Compile / unmanagedSourceDirectories += (Compile / sourceManaged).value
    lazy val transform = taskKey[Unit]("Transform sources")
    transform := {
      val inputDir  = (before / Compile / scalaSource).value
      val outputDir = (after / Compile / sourceManaged).value
      Generator.gen(inputDir, outputDir)


    import sbt.*
    object Generator {
      val ALL: Seq[String] = Seq()
      def isAll(filesToTransform: Seq[String]): Boolean = filesToTransform.isEmpty
      def gen(
               inputDir: File,
               outputDir: File,
               filesToTransform: Seq[String] = ALL,
             ): Unit = {
        val finder: PathFinder = inputDir ** "*.scala"
        val scalametaTransformer = new AnnotationProcessor()
        for (inputFile <- finder.get) yield {
          val inputFileName =
          val inputStr =
          val transform: String => String =
            if (isAll(filesToTransform) || filesToTransform.contains(inputFileName))
              (scalametaTransformer(_: String))
            else identity
          val outputStr = transform(inputStr)
          val outputFile = outputDir / inputFile.relativeTo(inputDir).get.toString
          IO.write(outputFile, outputStr)


    import scala.meta.*
    class AnnotationProcessor extends TreeTransformer {
      val isExtendsWithPayload: Mod => Boolean = { case mod"@extendsWithPayload" => true; case _ => false }
      override def apply(tree: Tree): Tree = {
        val tree1 = tree match {
          case q"..$mods class $tname[..$tparams] ..$ctorMods (...$paramss) $template" if mods.exists(isExtendsWithPayload) =>
            val mods1 = mods.filterNot(isExtendsWithPayload)
            template match {
              case template"{ ..$earlyStats } with ..$inits { $self => ..$stats }" =>
                val inits1 = inits :+ init"WithPayload"
                val template1 = template"{ ..$earlyStats } with ..$inits1 { $self => ..$stats }"
                val newParams = List(param"override val payload1: Int", param"override val payload2: Long")
                val paramss1: List[Term.ParamClause] = paramss match {
                  case Nil => List(newParams)
                  case params :: paramss1 => (params ++ newParams) :: paramss1
                q"..$mods1 class $tname[..$tparams] ..$ctorMods (...$paramss1) $template1"
          case _ => tree


    trait StringTransformer {
      def apply(str: String): String


    import scala.meta.*
    trait TreeTransformer extends Transformer with StringTransformer {
      override def apply(str: String): String = {
        val origTree = dialects.Scala3(str).parse[Source].get
        val newTree  = apply(origTree)


    import scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation
    class extendsWithPayload extends StaticAnnotation 


    sealed trait WithPayload:
      def description: String
      def payload1: Int
      def payload2: Long
    final case class Foo():
      override def description = "foo"
      class Nested():
        override def description = "nested"
    final case class Bar():
      override def description = "bar"
    final case class Baz()

    Execute sbt after/clean transform


    sealed trait WithPayload {
      def description: String
      def payload1: Int
      def payload2: Long
    final case class Foo(override val payload1: Int, override val payload2: Long) extends WithPayload {
      override def description = "foo"
      class Nested(override val payload1: Int, override val payload2: Long) extends WithPayload { override def description = "nested" }
    final case class Bar(override val payload1: Int, override val payload2: Long) extends WithPayload { override def description = "bar" }
    final case class Baz()
    • Or you can use C++ preprocessor (#define) as you wrote.

    #define in Java

    gcc -xc App.scala -E -P -o App1.scala


    #define EXTENDS_WITH_PAYLOAD ( \
        override val payload1: Int, \
        override val payload2: Long \
    ) extends WithPayload
    sealed trait WithPayload:
        def description: String
        def payload1: Int
        def payload2: Long
    final case class Foo EXTENDS_WITH_PAYLOAD:
        override def description = "foo"
    final case class Bar EXTENDS_WITH_PAYLOAD:
        override def description = "bar"


    sealed trait WithPayload:
        def description: String
        def payload1: Int
        def payload2: Long
    final case class Foo ( override val payload1: Int, override val payload2: Long ) extends WithPayload:
        override def description = "foo"
    final case class Bar ( override val payload1: Int, override val payload2: Long ) extends WithPayload:
        override def description = "bar"
    • Or you can define Scalafix re-writing rule.

    Is it possible to using macro to modify the generated code of structural-typing instance invocation?

    scala.meta parent of parent of Defn.Object (Scalameta + Semanticdb)

    Quasiquotes in Scalafix