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About Bluetooth LE Link Controller in esp32

When going through esp32 datasheet it been seen that there is wirless circuit section in the block diagram. I am wondering how the bluetooth functionality is implemented in microcrontrollers like esp32. Is it a hardware inside the Soc or whether it is memory region which contains the bluetooth stack. from esp32 side Espressif has already pre-loaded the wireless protocol stacks for WiFi b, g, n, Bluetooth and BLE. if anyone knows how in deep this works that where this wireless protocol stacks are implemented? enter image description here

Need to know how this functionality is implemented on a microcontroller?


  • Espressif has bought RivieraWave's Bluetooth solution. It consists of a hardware block on the SoC, accessible through registers that are not mentioned in the datasheet or the technical reference, as well as a software part which is closed source (, which communicate with the hardware through the mentioned registers.