Need some help to translate this correctly.
$categories = $GLOBALS["TYPO3_DB"]->exec_SELECTgetRows(
'c.uid,, AS categoryName, c.tstamp',
'tx_registration_domain_model_product AS p LEFT JOIN '
. 'tx_registration_domain_model_category AS c ON p.category = c.uid',
"p.hidden = 0 AND p.deleted =0 AND c.hidden = 0 "
. "AND c.deleted =0 AND != '' AND p.material = '"
. $materialUid . "'",
$catConstraints = [
$queryBuilder->createNamedParameter($materialUid, \PDO::PARAM_INT)
$categories = $queryBuilder
->select('c.uid', '', '', 'c.tstamp')
->from($productsTable, 'p')
The given alias 'c' is not unique in FROM and JOIN clause table. The currently registered aliases are: tx_registration_domain_model_material, p, c.
The syntax looks correct so far, which can also be looked up here:
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\Connection;
// SELECT `sys_language`.`uid`, `sys_language`.`title`
// FROM `sys_language`
// INNER JOIN `pages` `p`
// ON `p`.`sys_language_uid` = `sys_language`.`uid`
// (`p`.`uid` = 42)
// AND (
// (`p`.`deleted` = 0)
// AND (
// (`sys_language`.`hidden` = 0)
// AND (`overlay`.`hidden` = 0)
// )
// AND (`p`.`starttime` <= 1475591280)
// AND (
// (`p`.`endtime` = 0)
// OR (`overlay`.`endtime` > 1475591280))
// )
$queryBuilder = $this->connectionPool
$result = $queryBuilder
->select('sys_language.uid', 'sys_language.title')
$queryBuilder->createNamedParameter(42, Connection::PARAM_INT)
From doctrine/dbal code, this should also work with your code:
$qb = $conn->createQueryBuilder()
->select('', '')
->from('users', 'u')
->leftJoin('u', 'phonenumbers', 'p', ' = p.user_id');
You are using two variables, one for the fromTableName ($productsTable)
and one for the joinTableName ($categoriesTable)
. Reading the error message:
The given alias 'c' is not unique in FROM and JOIN clause table. The currently registered aliases are: tx_registration_domain_model_material, p, c.
and the fact that there is only one table and two aliases listed, that you either have:
to do a second query, along with a second from
statement (which is not supported)$productsTable
or $categoriesTable
or both is/are an empty stringSo ensure that you really create a new QueryBuilder instance for the new query, e.g. like so:
$queryBuilder = $connection->createQueryBuilder();
// or $queryBuilder = $connection->getQueryBuilder();
// depending on the TYPO3 version and doctrine/dbal version
$catConstraints = [ /*...*/ ];
and recheck the contents of the two variables.
Using the \PDO
constants should be avoided. Instead use the Connection::PARAM_*
class constants instead. That would be
more future proof, because doctrine/dbal 4.0 would not support
integer types anymore and these are replaced with PHP Enums
From TYPO3 core side, it's planned to redefine the Connection::PARAM_*
constants with the enums in TYPO3 v13 together with the doctrine/dbal 4.0 upgrade
Or you can use the doctrine ParamType::*
contants in TYPO3 v12 and doctrine v12 which are replaced by PHP Enums with doctrine/dbal 4.0. Would advice to use the TYPO3 wrapping constants.