With the 2 examples of code below, I want to select a folder and rename the file inside (a .pdf one). The code is pretty simple nevertheless it returns an error -10006. I'm new to AppleScript. I found lots of equivalent requests on the site. The solutions provided do not work for me...
on run
set Source to (choose folder with prompt "Pick the folder containing the images to process:") as alias
set newName to "new file name.pdf"
tell application "Finder"
set myFile to name of every file of Source as string
set name of myFile to newName as string
on error err
log ("Error in procedure: " & (err as text))
end try
end tell
end run
I then tried with a little modification in line 7 (see code below) and the error code is now
error number -1728 from file "AD-3.HRYN.pdf"
-1728: The referenced object doesn’t exist. This is a run-time resolution error, such as when attempting to reference a third object when only two objects exist.
on run
set Source to (choose folder with prompt "Pick the folder containing the images to process:") as alias
set newName to "new file name.pdf"
tell application "Finder"
set myFile to name of every file of Source as string
set name of file myFile to newName as string
on error err
log ("Error in procedure: " & (err as text))
end try
end tell
end run
The message in console is: (Error in procedure: Il est impossible de régler name of "AD-3.HRYN.pdf" à "new file name.pdf".)
I have the read/write right on the folder. Have you any ideas?
As I understand it, your folder contains only 1 file and you want rename this file. As you are a beginner, I have added explanatory comments for you. You can, of course, remove them.
on run
-- get source folder. The result of Choose Folder is already the Alias
-- so, no need additional coercion to alias
set sourceFolder to (choose folder with prompt "Pick the folder containing the images to process:")
-- set new name variable
set newName to "new file name.pdf"
tell application "Finder"
-- get 1st file's Finder reference
set myFile to file 1 of sourceFolder
-- rename it
set name of myFile to newName
on error err
-- err is a string already, no need additional coercion to string
log "Error in procedure: " & err
end try
end tell
end run