let's say I have an instance variable MyObject* test;
@property(nonatomic, retain) MyObject* test;
@synthesize test;
I might initialize it or might now depending if I need to. If I don't need it, no point wasting on initialization.
The question is in the dealloc, is it safe to do the following check and release?
-(void) dealloc
if ( test != nil )
[test release];
that's perfectly fine. it is also more idiomatic to simply omit the test for nil
behind the scenes, the compiler (typically*) generates a call to objc_msgSend
or one of its variants. the implementation of objc_msgSend
(and variants) allows the object you message to be nil
, in the sense that it is well defined and not considered a programmer error to message nil
. the return value of objc_msgSend
+ variants is zeroed:
NSString * string = nil;
NSString * copy = [string copy]; << copy will be 0/nil
NSUInteger length = [copy length]; << length will be 0
this means you must test for nil if returning a c++ object -- the constructor will not be invoked if the receiver is nil.
*typically, in the sense that there is a handful of c functions the compiler calls to perform messaging as well as some other common routines.