Search code examples

Can the data type returned by a field annotated with @Relation be a DatabaseView

I have a class, Category that's a POJO, but it throws an error,

error: There is a problem with the query: [SQLITE_ERROR] SQL error or missing database (no such column: itemCategoryId)

The Category class is

data class Category(
    val category: CategoryTable,
        parentColumn = "category_id",
        entityColumn = "itemCategoryId"
    val inventoryItems: List<InventoryItem>
) : InventoryAccess {

    override val id: Long
        get() = category.categoryId

The InventoryItem is database view defined as:

     i.item_id AS itemId, as name,
     i.price as price,
     i.item_code as itemCode,
     i.quantity as quantity,
     i.description as description,
     shelf.units_remaining + sum(w.units_in_si_unit) as unitsRemaining,
     image.uri as uri
    from item_table i
    left join item_image_table image on image.image_item_id = i.item_id and image.is_feature_image = 1
    inner join shelf_table shelf on shelf.shelf_item_id = i.item_id
    left join ware_house_table w on w.ware_house_item_id = i.item_id
    group by item_id
    order by asc
data class InventoryItem(
    override val itemId: Long,
    override val name: String,
    override val price: Double,
    override val quantity: ImmutableQuantity,
    override val uri: Uri?,
    override val unitsRemaining: Double?,
    val itemCategoryId: Long,
    val itemCode: String?,
    val description: String?,
) : ItemStructure, InventoryAccess {
    override val id: Long get() = itemId

What is the issue with the inventoryItems field definition.

I was trying to create a one to many relationship between the category and the inventory item which is a database view. However when I use the POJO with @Relation annotation, I get the error as described earlier.


  • When you use @Relation Room generates the underlying extraction (query) of the @Relation object for each @Embedded object extracted. As such it will, I believe, use the columns as per the output/select used for the database view.

    In your case there is no column output that is named itemCategoryId the only output columns are:-

    • itemId,
    • name,
    • price,
    • itemCode,
    • quantity,
    • description,
    • unitsRemaining, and
    • uri

    Now if you had, for example:-

     i.item_id AS itemId, as name,
     i.price as price,
     i.item_code as itemCode,
     i.quantity as quantity,
     i.description as description,
     shelf.units_remaining + sum(w.units_in_si_unit) as unitsRemaining,
     image.uri as uri,
     1 AS itemcategoryid /*<<<<<<<<<< ADDED */

    Then I believe that the column will then exist. Obviously the value of 1 would very likely not be what is wanted.

    Can the data type returned by a field annotated with @Relation be a DatabaseView

    Yes. To all intents and purposes, the View is like a Table. In fact if you look at the class named the same as the @Database annotated class and find the createAlTables method in generated java then you will see the CREATE VIEW sql. e.g. for the demo below:-

    db.execSQL("CREATE VIEW `TestView` AS SELECT id AS idother, thecolumn AS theColumnother, id AS another, 12 as yetanother FROM thetable");

    Perhaps consider this demo that uses the following Entities/POJOs/Dao and Database:-

    data class TheTable(
        val id: Long?=null,
        val theColumn: String
    @DatabaseView("SELECT id AS idother, thecolumn AS theColumnother, id AS another, 12 as yetanother FROM thetable")
    data class TestView(
        val idother: Long,
        val theColumnother: String,
        val another: Long,
        val yetanother: Long
    data class POJOOneToOneTest(
        val theTable: TheTable,
            entity = TestView::class,
            parentColumn = "id",
            entityColumn = "another"
        val testViews: List<TestView>
    interface AllDAOs {
        @Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE)
        fun insert(theTable: TheTable): Long
        @Query("SELECT * FROM thetable")
        fun getPOJOOneToOneTests(): List<POJOOneToOneTest>
    @Database(entities = [TheTable::class], views = [TestView::class], exportSchema = false, version = 1)
    abstract class TheDatabase: RoomDatabase() {
        abstract fun getAllDAOs(): AllDAOs
        companion object {
            private var instance: TheDatabase?=null
            fun getInstance(context: Context): TheDatabase {
                if (instance==null) {
                    instance= Room.databaseBuilder(context,,"the_database.db")
                        .allowMainThreadQueries() /* for brevity of the demo */
                return instance as TheDatabase

    Noting that to ensure a relationship that the referenced child value (another) is set to the parent value.

    And then with the following activity code:-

    class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
        lateinit var db: TheDatabase
        lateinit var dao: AllDAOs
        override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
            db= TheDatabase.getInstance(this)
            dao.insert(TheTable(theColumn = "Apple"))
            dao.insert(TheTable(theColumn = "Banana"))
            dao.insert(TheTable(theColumn = "Cherry"))
            dao.insert(TheTable(theColumn = "Damson"))
            for (potot in dao.getPOJOOneToOneTests()) {
                val sb = StringBuilder()
                for (tv in potot.testViews) {
                    sb.append("\n\t TVIDOther is ${tv.idother} TVAnother is ${tv.another} TVColumnOther is ${tv.theColumnother} TV Yetanother is ${tv.yetanother}")
                Log.d("DBINFO","TheTable ID is ${} TheColumn is ${potot.theTable.theColumn} it has ${potot.testViews.size} TestViews. They are:-${sb}")

    The result is:-

    D/DBINFO: TheTable ID is 1 TheColumn is Apple it has 1 TestViews. They are:-
             TVIDOther is 1 TVAnother is 1 TVColumnOther is Apple TV Yetanother is 12
    D/DBINFO: TheTable ID is 2 TheColumn is Banana it has 1 TestViews. They are:-
             TVIDOther is 2 TVAnother is 2 TVColumnOther is Banana TV Yetanother is 12
    D/DBINFO: TheTable ID is 3 TheColumn is Cherry it has 1 TestViews. They are:-
             TVIDOther is 3 TVAnother is 3 TVColumnOther is Cherry TV Yetanother is 12
    D/DBINFO: TheTable ID is 4 TheColumn is Damson it has 1 TestViews. They are:-
             TVIDOther is 4 TVAnother is 4 TVColumnOther is Damson TV Yetanother is 12

    So the single related TestView is retrieved from the View (@DatabaseView in Room).

    Obviously the example has been created just to demonstrate the possibility of using a View within an @Relation, it is not intended to reflect your situation.