I've been playing around with Rust lately and I am trying to run a async command with tokio. My goal is to read stdout/err live and be able to pass messages to the process if needed. I do not depend on tokio, and if there is a better way of doing this, please advise.
I am using tokio process::Command to create a child process and than transform it into stream and read from it, but if the process is continuous I am getting no stdout/err. Here is what I have been playing around with (used python as continuously running process):
use std::process::Stdio;
use tokio_stream::StreamExt;
use tokio_util::codec::{FramedRead, LinesCodec, FramedWrite};
let mut process = tokio::process::Command::new("sh")
let stdout = FramedRead::new(process.stdout.take().unwrap(), LinesCodec::new())
.map(|data| data.expect("fail on out!"));
let stderr = FramedRead::new(process.stderr.take().unwrap(), LinesCodec::new())
.map(|data| data.expect("fail on err!"));
let mut stream = stdout.chain(stderr);
while let Some(msg) = stream.next().await {
println!("{:?}", msg);
I also tried waiting for the process with output, where I get empty stdout and stderr - not entierly sure why. When I execute the process without piping stderr/out/in I get the usual initial responses from python.
Cargo.toml dependencies for ref:
tokio = {version="1.26", features = ["rt", "macros", "rt-multi-thread", "fs", "process", "io-std", "io-util"]}
tokio-util = { version="0.7.7", features = ["codec", "io"]}
tokio-stream = "0.1.12"
The issue was due to the processes I was using for testing. When tested with another process, does not check if it is called directly everything works correctly.
Information was provided in comment:
FWIW, Python also tries to be smart, and if it detects that stdin is not a TTY (?), it does not start in an interactive mode. Just try echo "foo\n" | python3 in a termial and you can observe that it does not print out a prompt. I would first recommend to edit your question to be a MCVE (currently imports are not listed, dependencies seem to be missing, e.g. map() is not found). 2. Try to get reading stdout/stderr working with a non-interactive program (one that does not switch behavior depending on whether a TTY is attached or not). – justinas