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How can I access and control the media sources playing on Windows in C#?

I would like to create a program that can manually change the priority of media being played on my PC using C#.

This is because the Play/Pause button on my keyboard does not stick to the program I want it to.

In my mind the media being played would be stored in a stack and I want to push the program I want to access to the top for the keyboard to Play/Pause it. The stack for example:

  • Spotify
  • YouTube (Chrome)
  • Netflix (Opera)

The item at the top (Spotify) would be the one accessed by the Play/Pause key.

I'm not sure how Windows handles this at all so any information would be greatly appreciated.

I haven't tried anything as I do not know where to start, or if this is even possible.


  • You can change the media priority in windows by getting the proccess and setting its priority like this :

    using System;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    namespace ProcessRealtime
        class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
                // Define the names of the media processes
                string[] mediaProcesses = new string[] { "Spotify", "Chrome", "Opera" };
                // Loop through the media processes
                foreach (string mediaProcess in mediaProcesses)
                    // Get the processes by name
                    Process[] processes = Process.GetProcessesByName(mediaProcess);
                    // Loop through the processes
                    foreach (Process proc in processes)
                        // Change the priority to RealTime
                        proc.PriorityClass = ProcessPriorityClass.RealTime;
                        // Print a message
                        Console.WriteLine("Changed priority for {0} to RealTime", proc.ProcessName);
                // Wait for a key press
                Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit...");

    You could then add something like a eventlistener for the defined key combinations so that you can switch the current prio.