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Route-parameter contains parts of route

I have a route that looks like this:


I have configured the route like this:

httpConfiguration.Routes.MapHttpRoute("Foo1", "foo/{identifier}/bar/", new
    controller = "Foo",
    action = nameof(Foo.Bar)

I also have a second route configured which routes to the same controller but a different method:

httpConfiguration.Routes.MapHttpRoute("Foo2", "foo/{*identifier}", new
    controller = "Foo",
    identifier = RouteParameter.Optional

My controller looks like this:

public HttpResponseMessage Bar(string identifier, [FromBody] SomeDto dto)

If I send a POST-request to this route with parameter identifier = hello and some correct data in the body, I would expect the value of identifier to be hello. However, the value is hello/bar. What am I missing here?


  • The problem was the catch-all parameter in the second route. When I removed it, the routing works as expected.

    So, the route foo/{*identifier} became foo/{identifier}.