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Whats up with this error: "Int object has no attribute "strengthPts"?

I'm creating some simple code for my Intro to Python class. However, I keep recieving an attribute error on line 12: "AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'strengthPts'". Here is my code:

class superhero:
    def __init__(self, name = "", strengthPts = 0, motto = "", strength = ""): = name
        self.strengthPts = int(strengthPts)
        self.motto = motto
        self.strenght = strength
    def addStrengthPts(self, points):
        self.strengthPts = self.strengthPts + points
def main():
    s = superhero("Señor Cement", 0, "These streets won\'t stop me!", "creating cement from matter around him and using it to halt villains.")
    print("Today on Super of the Week, we present to you" + + "After taking down a villain," + + "gained" + str(s.strengthPts) + "points! With their power of" + s.strength + "and the awesome motto,\"" + s.motto + " you\'ll definitely want to give their comic a read!")


As you can see, I assigned the class function superhero to s in line 10, believing that the problem might have been that I was refrencing the class incorrectly. Additionally, I've tried reassigning strengthPts as an integer, believing python may not be reading the perameter as one. However, none of this has worked, and I just keep recieving the same error. Any ideas?


    • The main problem is that you use the class name instead of the instance variable. Use s when calling the method addStrengthPts to get further
    • Next: You specify 0,5 but that is a tuple with two integers. Not sure what is your intention when adding points to self.strengthPts
    • Final: you have a typo in fourth member variable (see __init__). I guess you meant self.strength

    Hope this helps