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How to insert update a document in RavenDB Studio (RQL)

I have an assigment on ravenDb and I've written queries for selecting, sorting, filtering and such. But I cannot figure out how to do simple adding a new document to a collection named "Employees" or updating a value inside document "employees/8-A", from "employees".

I have gone through the documention using these links:

I even googled and came across this thread ; Updating documents in RavenDB But one of the linked articles is deleted.

But it's just JS code. Is there no syntax I can run inside the query tool in raven db studio?


  • For managing updates from the Session, Look at the following demos:

    Adding/creating a new document:
    Load and edit document:

    For updating a field with Patching, from all docs, see the inner RQL for example here:

    from @all_docs as d
    where id() in ($ids)
    update { d.Updated = true; }

    Or, from a specific collection:

    from Companies
    update { this.Name = 'newName'; }

    Learn also about Patching here: