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How to display the tree in a different order?

In this case, the tree is displayed in this form

level 3
  level 3.1
    level 3.1.1
    level 3.1.2
level 2
  level 2.1
  level 2.2
  level 2.3
level 1
  level 1.1
  level 1.2
  level 1.3
  level 1.4
    level 1.4.1

How can it be flipped so that it displays correctly? I tried everything and nothing works

Here is the fully working code:

the rebuildTree function creates the correct structure, and the printTree function displays the result

$tree = [
   ['name' => 'level 1',     'id' => 1,  'pid' => 0],
    ['name' => 'level 1.1',   'id' => 2,  'pid' => 1],
    ['name' => 'level 1.2',   'id' => 3,  'pid' => 1],
    ['name' => 'level 1.3',   'id' => 4,  'pid' => 1],
    ['name' => 'level 2',     'id' => 5,  'pid' => 0],
    ['name' => 'level 2.1',   'id' => 6,  'pid' => 5],
    ['name' => 'level 2.2',   'id' => 7,  'pid' => 5],
    ['name' => 'level 3',     'id' => 8,  'pid' => 0],
    ['name' => 'level 3.1',   'id' => 9,  'pid' => 8],
    ['name' => 'level 3.1.1', 'id' => 10, 'pid' => 9],
    ['name' => 'level 3.1.2', 'id' => 11, 'pid' => 9],
    ['name' => 'level 1.4', 'id' => 12, 'pid' => 1],
    ['name' => 'level 2.3',   'id' => 13,  'pid' => 5],
    ['name' => 'level', 'id' => 14, 'pid' => 11],
    ['name' => 'level 1.4.1', 'id' => 15, 'pid' => 12],

function rebuildTree($tree){
    foreach ($tree as $key => $node) {
        $branches[$node['id']] = $node;
    $rootNodes = [];
    foreach ($tree as $node) {
        if ($node['pid'] === 0) {
            $rootNodes[] = &$branches[$node['id']];
        } else {
            $branches[$node['pid']]['chld'][] = &$branches[$node['id']];
    return $rootNodes;

function printTree($tree) {
    $stack = [];
    foreach ($tree as $node) {
        if (empty($node['pid'])) {
            $stack[] = [$node, 0];
    while (!empty($stack)) {
        list($node, $depth) = array_pop($stack);
        echo str_repeat('  ', $depth) . $node['name'] . PHP_EOL;

        if (isset($node['chld'])) {
            foreach (array_reverse($node['chld']) as $child) {
                $stack[] = [$child, $depth + 1];

$arr = rebuildTree($tree);

And I don't want to use recursion, they say it's very bad.


  • It can be proven they are equivalent, recursive and iterative solutions. So I'll present to you a recursive one, first.

    function printTreeRecursive($tree, $depth = 0)
        foreach ($tree as $node) {
            echo str_repeat('  ', $depth) . $node['name'] . PHP_EOL;
            if (isset($node['chld'])) {
                printTreeRecursive($node['chld'], $depth + 1);


    level 1
      level 1.1
      level 1.2
      level 1.3
      level 1.4
        level 1.4.1
    level 2
      level 2.1
      level 2.2
      level 2.3
    level 3
      level 3.1
        level 3.1.1
        level 3.1.2

    As for non recursive, your method is perfect, except you would want to reverse the stack in the first place.

    function printTree($tree)
        $stack = [];
        foreach ($tree as $node) {
            if (empty($node['pid'])) {
                $stack[] = [$node, 0];
        // add this line: 
        $stack = array_reverse($stack);
        while (!empty($stack)) {
            list($node, $depth) = array_pop($stack);
            echo str_repeat('  ', $depth) . $node['name'] . PHP_EOL;
            if (isset($node['chld'])) {
                foreach (array_reverse($node['chld']) as $child) {
                    $stack[] = [$child, $depth + 1];