I would like to scale the y-axis of a vega-lite waterfall so that the y-axis does not start at 0 and the corresponding bars in the chart are formatted correctly with the right numbers.
I was able to format a vega-lite chart to change the scale, but I am having trouble formatting the bars to the correct size.
I made the following adjustment to the original: "scale": {"domain": [2000, 10000]
But this changed the y-axis while keeping the bars their original size.
I get the following chart: Example
It sounds like you want to clip the bar at y = 2000.
Try "clip": true
along with "scale": {"domain": [2000, 10000]}
(Original Vega-lite waterfall chart example is found at https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/examples/waterfall_chart.html)