I have Python source code that is analyzed by an external tool I am writing. The code contains a context manager and I'm trying to get the value (list) of the keyword 'tags' inside the context manager called 'dag'.
from airflow.models import DAG
with DAG(
tags=['dbt', 'marketing', 'schema', 'data_vis']
) as dag:
The desired output is:
['dbt', 'marketing', 'schema', 'data_vis']
I think I can use the ast
module to parse the file. How can I achieve this?
The best solution for my question at the moment was:
# dag.py
from airflow.models import DAG
with DAG(
tags=['dbt', 'marketing', 'schema', 'data_vis']
) as dag:
# ast_explorer.py
import ast
with open('dag.py', 'r') as f:
tree = ast.parse(f.read())
for node in tree.body:
if isinstance(node, ast.With):
for item in node.items:
if isinstance(item.context_expr, ast.Call) and item.context_expr.func.id == 'DAG':
for arg in item.context_expr.keywords:
if arg.arg == 'tags':
tag_list = [s.s for s in arg.value.elts]
>>> ['dbt', 'marketing', 'schema', 'data_vis']
You can traverse the ast
object and when you encounter an ast.withitem
with a corresponding call of an object named DAG
, iterate over all the keyword objects and save the values associated with keys tags
import ast
src = """
from airflow.models import DAG
with DAG(
tags=['dbt', 'marketing', 'schema', 'data_vis']
) as dag:
cxt_m = [i for i in ast.walk(ast.parse(src)) if isinstance(i, ast.withitem)
and isinstance(i.context_expr, ast.Call) and i.context_expr.func.id == 'DAG']
tags = [ast.literal_eval(ast.unparse(j.value)) for i in cxt_m
for j in i.context_expr.keywords if j.arg == 'tags']
[['dbt', 'marketing', 'schema', 'data_vis']]