I've been encountering an issue when trying to push my local repository to a remote GitHub repository. Each time I try, I receive an error message stating "remote: invalid credentials" and "fatal: Authentication failed."
Here's what I have tried so far I made sure to use the correct GitHub account and token. I checked that the remote URL of the repository is correct. I created a new personal access token. But I am still unable to push my changes to the remote repository as I get the same error.
Can anyone offer suggestions on how to resolve this issue ?
Thank you in advance for your help.
If i m right, then you are trying to push your commit to this repo github.com/Dany128/OneShotTyper.git
, which is doesn't exist. So, I say that error is very genuine. If it is not the case, then you need to change your remote with valid repo. If your repo is not existed.
git remote set-url origin <new-repository-url>
git remote add origin <new-repository-url>
git push -u origin main
It's not solving your error, then you can try using SSH. To do this, you will need to generate a new SSH key and add it to your GitHub account. GitHub has a helpful guide on how to do this: GitHub ssh
in the end, if any solving is not working for you, then there is only one way to connect with GitHub support: GitHub support