We have this query with according types:
const GET_ITEM = gql`
query GetItem($itemId: Int!) {
item(where: { itemId: $itemId }) {
type TQuery = { item: string };
type TVariables = { itemId: number };
What is the better approach to fetch our item conditionally in the component? First option:
function Item({ itemId }: { itemId: number | undefined }) {
const { data } = useQuery<TQuery, TVariables>(GET_ITEM, {
variables: { itemId: itemId ?? 0 },
skip: itemId === undefined,
return <>{data?.item}</>;
Second option:
function Item({ itemId }: { itemId: number | undefined }) {
const [fetchItem, { data }] = useLazyQuery<TQuery, TVariables>(GET_ITEM);
useEffect(() => {
if (itemId !== undefined) {
fetchItem({ variables: { itemId } });
}, [itemId, fetchItem]);
return <>{data?.item}</>;
Which approach is correct/better and why?
If it depends on whether that itemId
is present, go the skip
The useLazyQuery
+ useEffect
will trigger an extra rerender and is more complicated.