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Close Outlook instance opened from Excel VBA

With VBA in MS Excel I open emails from a file location on one of our servers.

After the script locates the file, it opens it in an instance of Outlook.
If I do not have an active instance of Outlook everything works.
If Outlook is open and I open the .msg file and say I accidentally open it again or a part of the program proceeds into more code, Outlook will think the file is open even if it is closed. Outlook will keep this file open in it's memory until the application is killed.

To replicate this issue

  1. made a userform with a ListBox and Button called "guiBody" and "MoBtn"
  2. populated guiBody with the file names from a location on my computer which was under "E:"
  3. once someone selects an item from guiBody and presses MoBtn it activates a module which then opens that corresponding file in Outlook for editing.
  4. If the user then retries to open that file the system will throw an error for the file already being opened.

Example code to replicate it

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    Dim Msg As Object
    Dim update As Boolean: update = False
    For r = 0 To Me.ListBox1.ListCount - 1
        If (Me.ListBox1.Selected(r) = True) Then
            folderPath = "E:\" 'Your file path
            thisFile = Dir(folderPath & "\" & Me.ListBox1.List(r) & ".msg")
            On Error Resume Next
            Set Msg = GetObject("", "Outlook.Application").Session.OpenSharedItem(folderPath & "\" & thisFile)
            Msg.Close olSave
            Set Msg = Nothing
            If (Err <> 0) Then
                MsgBox("Throwing a fit")
            End If
            On Error GoTo 0
        End If
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
    folderPath = "E:\" 'Your file path
    thisFile = Dir(folderPath & "\*.msg")
    On Error Resume Next
    Do While thisFile <> ""
        Me.ListBox1.AddItem (Replace(thisFile, ".msg", ""))
        thisFile = Dir
End Sub

Private Sub MD(guiList As MSForms.ListBox)
    Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("RecordedInfo")
    Dim Msg As Object
    Dim update As Boolean: update = False
    sheetLength = CalcSheetLength.CalculateSheetLength("RecordedInfo")
    For r = 0 To guiList.ListCount - 1
        If (guiList.Selected(r) = True) Then
            update = False
            folderPath = "E:\ReportingTeam\ReportProcedures\Draft Templates"
            thisFile = Dir(folderPath & "\" & guiList.List(r) & ".msg")
            On Error Resume Next
            Set Msg = GetObject("", "Outlook.Application").Session.OpenSharedItem(folderPath & "\" & thisFile)
            If (Err = 0) Then
                update = True
            End If
            On Error GoTo 0
            For InfoLen = 2 To sheetLength
                If (guiList.List(r) = ws.Range("A" & InfoLen) And update = True) Then
                    If (ws.Range("C" & InfoLen) = "") Then
                        ws.Range("C" & InfoLen) = Date
                        response = InputBox("Why did you modify the " & guiList.List(r) & " template?", "Comment")
                        If (ws.Range("D" & InfoLen) = "") Then
                            If (Trim(response) = "") Then
                                ws.Range("D" & InfoLen) = "No Response Given"
                                ws.Range("D" & InfoLen) = Trim(response)
                            End If
                            If (Trim(response) = "") Then
                                ws.Range("D" & InfoLen) = "No Response Given"
                                ws.Range("G" & InfoLen) = ws.Range("D" & InfoLen) & ";" & ws.Range("G" & InfoLen)
                                ws.Range("D" & InfoLen) = Trim(response)
                            End If
                        End If
                        ws.Range("F" & InfoLen) = ws.Range("C" & InfoLen) & ";" & ws.Range("F" & InfoLen)
                        ws.Range("C" & InfoLen) = Date
                        response = InputBox("Why did you modify the " & guiList.List(r) & " template?", "Comment")
                        If (ws.Range("D" & InfoLen) = "") Then
                            If (Trim(response) = "") Then
                                ws.Range("D" & InfoLen) = "No Response Given"
                                ws.Range("D" & InfoLen) = Trim(response)
                            End If
                            If (Trim(response) = "") Then
                                ws.Range("G" & InfoLen) = ws.Range("D" & InfoLen) & ";" & ws.Range("G" & InfoLen)
                                ws.Range("D" & InfoLen) = "No Response Given"
                                ws.Range("G" & InfoLen) = ws.Range("D" & InfoLen) & ";" & ws.Range("G" & InfoLen)
                                ws.Range("D" & InfoLen) = Trim(response)
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
            If update = False Then
                MsgBox ("The program encountered an error with modifying this draft." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "This issue is due to the file still being open on your system, the server not registering the file has closed or another user has the file open." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "If the error persists contact Kyle Willman.")
            End If
            On Error Resume Next
            Msg.Close olSave
            Set Msg = Nothing
            On Error GoTo 0
        End If
    Call Refresher.WindowRefresh(guiList)
End Sub

I want Outlook to open the file but not retain it in it's memory. Or have the ability to kill off the active instances of the opened files.

I tried .close .quit ActiveInspector but none of these suit my needs.

I would try to get the program to wait until the .msg stops displaying but I am unsure if I have the knowledge to do so.

The reason for doing this in Excel is for the background capability to store information that we might need like dates, and comments based on when someone accesses these .msg files or alters them.


  • I got the program to work correctly, for some reason Outlook does not like to instantiate a previously opened "Archived" MailItem, I put Archived in quotes because it's just a file I stored on a server, but I guess Outlook treats it as such.

    Because of that reason I had to do a work around which added a new MailItem and then when someone saved said item it would apply that as a new template on the "Archived" item. I tried multiple solutions and seeing if I could use properties of MailItems without saving the new template but no such properties or events that I could use existed. I probably could have done this a bit nicer but honestly, it's taken up too much time and I couldn't have been bothered.

    Below is the new code which works in my current version of VBA on MS Excel Enterprise Version 2301 (Build 16026.20238), if anyone finds this post later and has the same question. I'll also post a shortened version of it so it's a bit more understandable without all my crap in it.

    Private Sub MD(guiList As MSForms.ListBox)
        Dim ol As Object: Set ol = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
        For r = 0 To guiList.ListCount - 1
            If (guiList.Selected(r) = True) Then
                folderPath = "E:\ReportingTeam\ReportProcedures\Draft Templates" & "\" & guiList.List(r) & ".msg"
                On Error Resume Next
                Dim Msg As Object: Set Msg = ol.CreateItem(olMailItem)
                Dim targetMessage As Object: Set targetMessage = ol.Session.OpenSharedItem(folderPath)
                'Instantiate Outlook Message for editing
                Msg.Subject = targetMessage.Subject
                Msg.CC = targetMessage.CC
                Msg.To = targetMessage.To
                Msg.HTMLBody = targetMessage.HTMLBody
                Msg.Importance = targetMessage.Importance
                'Display the copied data from the template
                'Count the number of active Inspector items
                Dim iCount As Integer: iCount = ol.Inspectors.count
                'When the user closes the template they were modifying the if will execute and-
                'depending on if they saved it or not will apply the new template over the previous one.
                    If (ol.Inspectors.count = iCount) Then
                        If Msg.Saved Then
                            targetMessage.Subject = Msg.Subject
                            targetMessage.To = Msg.To
                            targetMessage.CC = Msg.CC
                            targetMessage.HTMLBody = Msg.HTMLBody
                            targetMessage.Importance = Msg.Importance
                            Set Msg = Nothing
                            Set targetMessage = Nothing
                            targetMessage.Close olDiscard
                            Set Msg = Nothing
                            Set targetMessage = Nothing
                            MsgBox ("No Updates were made to this template")
                        End If
                    End If
                Loop Until Msg Is Nothing
                On Error GoTo 0
            End If
    End Sub

    My corrected code snippet:

    Private Sub MD(guiList As MSForms.ListBox)
        Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("RecordedInfo")
        Dim ol As Object: Set ol = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
        Dim update As Boolean: update = False
        sheetLength = CalcSheetLength.CalculateSheetLength("RecordedInfo")
        For r = 0 To guiList.ListCount - 1
            If (guiList.Selected(r) = True) Then
                update = False
                folderPath = "E:\ReportingTeam\ReportProcedures\Draft Templates" & "\" & guiList.List(r) & ".msg"
                On Error Resume Next
                Dim Msg As Object: Set Msg = ol.CreateItem(olMailItem)
                Dim targetMessage As Object: Set targetMessage = ol.Session.OpenSharedItem(folderPath)
                'Instantiate Outlook Message for editing
                Msg.Subject = targetMessage.Subject
                Msg.CC = targetMessage.CC
                Msg.To = targetMessage.To
                Msg.HTMLBody = targetMessage.HTMLBody
                Msg.Importance = targetMessage.Importance
                'Display the copied data from the template
                'Count the number of active Inspector items
                Dim iCount As Integer: iCount = ol.Inspectors.count
                'When the user closes the template they were modifying the if will execute and-
                'depending on if they saved it or not will apply the new template over the previous one.
                    If (ol.Inspectors.count = iCount) Then
                        If Msg.Saved Then
                            targetMessage.Subject = Msg.Subject
                            targetMessage.To = Msg.To
                            targetMessage.CC = Msg.CC
                            targetMessage.HTMLBody = Msg.HTMLBody
                            targetMessage.Importance = Msg.Importance
                            Set Msg = Nothing
                            Set targetMessage = Nothing
                            update = True
                            targetMessage.Close olDiscard
                            Set Msg = Nothing
                            Set targetMessage = Nothing
                            update = False
                            MsgBox ("No Updates were made to this template")
                        End If
                    End If
                Loop Until Msg Is Nothing
                On Error GoTo 0
                'Jibberish for my program. "Documentation"
                For InfoLen = 2 To sheetLength
                    If (guiList.List(r) = ws.Range("A" & InfoLen) And Err = 0 And update = True) Then
                        response = InputBox("Why did you modify the " & guiList.List(r) & " template?", "Comment")
                        If (ws.Range("C" & InfoLen) = "") Then
                            ws.Range("C" & InfoLen) = Date
                            If (ws.Range("D" & InfoLen) = "") Then
                                If (Trim(response) = "") Then
                                    ws.Range("D" & InfoLen) = "No Response Given"
                                    ws.Range("D" & InfoLen) = Trim(response)
                                End If
                                If (Trim(response) = "") Then
                                    ws.Range("D" & InfoLen) = "No Response Given"
                                    ws.Range("G" & InfoLen) = ws.Range("D" & InfoLen) & ";" & ws.Range("G" & InfoLen)
                                    ws.Range("D" & InfoLen) = Trim(response)
                                End If
                            End If
                            ws.Range("F" & InfoLen) = ws.Range("C" & InfoLen) & ";" & ws.Range("F" & InfoLen)
                            ws.Range("C" & InfoLen) = Date
                            If (ws.Range("D" & InfoLen) = "") Then
                                If (Trim(response) = "") Then
                                    ws.Range("D" & InfoLen) = "No Response Given"
                                    ws.Range("D" & InfoLen) = Trim(response)
                                End If
                                If (Trim(response) = "") Then
                                    ws.Range("G" & InfoLen) = ws.Range("D" & InfoLen) & ";" & ws.Range("G" & InfoLen)
                                    ws.Range("D" & InfoLen) = "No Response Given"
                                    ws.Range("G" & InfoLen) = ws.Range("D" & InfoLen) & ";" & ws.Range("G" & InfoLen)
                                    ws.Range("D" & InfoLen) = Trim(response)
                                End If
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                'If there was an error notify the user
                If Err <> 0 Then
                    MsgBox ("The program encountered an error with modifying this draft." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "This issue is due to the file still being open on your system, the server not registering the file has closed or another user has the file open." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "If the error persists contact Kyle Willman.")
                End If
            End If
        Refresher.WindowRefresh guiList
    End Sub