Sounds like most of questions on the internet, but here is the thing - when multiple connections are made during single ambient TransactionScope
it will be promoted to DTC. So the question is, how to avoid this and share single connection among all the instance? There is a connection pooling mechanism (at least in Npgsql
) but I'm not sure it works as I expected it would be.
This is a repro:
The project contains testing methods for Npgsql
and Sql Server
. They behave differently:
Sql Server
I simply get The operation is not valid for the state of the transaction
the queries simply don't work.What the project does is:
:private static TransactionScope CreateTransaction() =>
new TransactionScope(
new TransactionOptions
IsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted
private static async Task<Client> Create(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
var client = new Client { Name = "client_1" };
await using var scope = serviceProvider.CreateAsyncScope();
var dbContext = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<AsyncDbContext>();
await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();
await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync($"Client: {client.Id}");
return client;
private static Random _randomer = new();
private static async Task Read(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, DependentTransaction dependentTransaction, int clientId, int index)
using (dependentTransaction)
//using (var transaction = CreateTransaction(dependentTransaction))
await using (var scope = serviceProvider.CreateAsyncScope())
var dbContext = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<AsyncDbContext>();
await Task.Delay(_randomer.Next(100, 250));
var client = await dbContext.Clients.AsNoTracking().Where(cl => cl.Id == clientId).SingleOrDefaultAsync();
await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync($"Read: {index} -> {client?.Id.ToString() ?? "!! NOT FOUND !!"}");
The main issue is that I need to read data in parallel and this is just a simple example of the main, bigger project where the goal is the same (it just uses plugins that are executed in parallel and each instantiates DbContext
through DI).
As I mentioned, when using Sql Server
I get an exception, but when using Npgsql
the query sometimes returned correct result and sometimes !! NOT FOUND !!
. The latter makes be believe that a transaction was somehow 'rolledback' by the time the query was run.
So how do we actually share a connection among all these DbContext
instances so transaction wouldn't escalate to DTC?
Two threads can't use the same DbContext instance at the same time.
Two DbContext instances can't use the same Ado.Net connection object at the same time.
If two DbContext instances try to share a System.Transactions.Transaction at the same time a distributed transaction is required. If they share the transaction one-at-a-time a distributed transaction is not needed.
So no, you cannot read data in parallel with multiple sessions in the same transaction without a distributed transaction*.
*SQL Server does have an ancient feature called "bound connections" that lets multiple sessions share a single transaction, but I would stay away from that. Instead if sessions need to share data during a transaction, use a global temp table.