I have these variables which outputs:
Host has 'em3, em2, em1, em4' network devices
em3 does not have any ip rules, skipping health checks
Checking health of 'em2'
Checking health of 'em1'
em4 does not have any ip rules, skipping health checks
Host has 2 healthy network links
And the second variable.
Speed : 10 Gb/s
Link status : yes
Speed : 10 Gb/s
Link status : yes
From the second variable, it gives the speed and link status for each interface mentioned in $nw_monitor, em2 and em1.
So I would like to mix them so it looks like this:
Host has 'em3, em2, em1, em4' network devices
em3 does not have any ip rules, skipping health checks
Checking health of 'em2'
Speed : 10 Gb/s
Link status : yes
Checking health of 'em1'
Speed : 10 Gb/s
Link status : yes
em4 does not have any ip rules, skipping health checks
Host has 2 healthy network links
I have tried this:
sed /^Checking/R<(echo "$link") <(echo "$nw_monitor")
BUT, I get his output:
Host has 'em3, em2, em1, em4' network devices
em3 does not have any ip rules, skipping health checks
Checking health of 'em2'
Speed : 10 Gb/s
Checking health of 'em1'
Link detected : yes
em4 does not have any ip rules, skipping health checks
Host has 2 healthy network links
Feed in each in separate data streams.
You can spawn numbered streams for this sort of thing.
$: exec 3< <(seq 1 3) # stream 3 is now numbers
$: cat <&3
$: printf "%s\n" a b c>foo
$: for x in . . . .; do read y <&3; echo "[$y]"; done 3<foo
Why are they in strings? I think this would be easier in simple files.
$: echo "$nw_monitor">a
$: echo "$link">b
$: while read a
> do echo "$a"
> case "$a" in Checking*) for c in 1 2; do read b <&3; echo " $b"; done;; esac
> done <a 3<b
Host has 'em3, em2, em1, em4' network devices
em3 does not have any ip rules, skipping health checks
Checking health of 'em2'
Speed : 10 Gb/s
Link status : yes
Checking health of 'em1'
Speed : 10 Gb/s
Link status : yes
em4 does not have any ip rules, skipping health checks
Host has 2 healthy network links
But if you just need them in strings...
$: while read a
> do echo "$a"
> case "$a" in Checking*) for c in 1 2; do read b <&3; echo " $b"; done;; esac
> done < <(echo "$nw_monitor") 3< <(echo "$link")
Host has 'em3, em2, em1, em4' network devices
em3 does not have any ip rules, skipping health checks
Checking health of 'em2'
Speed : 10 Gb/s
Link status : yes
Checking health of 'em1'
Speed : 10 Gb/s
Link status : yes
em4 does not have any ip rules, skipping health checks
Host has 2 healthy network links