I want to make a Class in Dart with a static type of Future<T>. Because I want to implement its Call-Function async with type T, so I can call it like this:
MyFunction<T> func = MyFunction<T>();
T var = await func();
I tried to define this Class in that way:
class MyClass<Future<T>> {
Future<T> call() async {
//return a Future<T>
It gives me a compiler error:
Expected to find '>'
It seems like it works only with type Future
and not Future<foo>
Why does this not work? Is there another way to force the Type of the Class to be a Future of type T somehow?
cannot be part of your generic type. Instead just use T
and return the Future
parameterized with T
in your function. Like this:
void main() async {
Test t = Test<String>();
t.setVal("Hello World");
String val = await t.getFuture();
class Test<T> {
T? val;
void setVal(T val) {
this.val = val;
Future<T> getFuture() {
return Future.value(val);