I want to add some Widget (QPushButton for example) in my central Widget inside a layout
I can do it with :
QPushButton *but1 = new QPushButton(ui->centralwidget);
Now my problem is that I don't know how many buttons I will have to create because it depends of the results of another function.
So what I want to do is each new button is named like
name = but + functionresult
int but_index;
for (but_index = 1; but_index < functionresult; but_index++)
QPushButton *butfunctionresult = new QPushButton(ui->centralwidget);
I can't find the correct way to do this
Widget's name isn't in QWidget
, but in QObject
Use setObjectName(QString("but%1").arg(functionresult))
, or something similar, to set a proper name for your button, setText(...)
for the string displayed on the button itself, and store them in a vector (if you don't need to access individually to each button by name), or a map (if you need to access them by name).
// Use only ONE of these containers, no need to have the two.
QVector<QPushButton*> anonymousStorage ; // Access buttons through their index.
QMap<QString,QPushButton*> namedStorage ; // Access buttons through an internal name.
for (auto but_index = 1 ; but_index < functionresult ; but_index++) {
// Build the two required strings: internal name + display name.
// "extfunc1" and "extfunc2" should return something suitable: string, integer, ... according to the current index.
QString name = QString("button%1").arg(extfunc1(but_index)) ;
QString display = QString("Button %1").arg(extfunc2(but_index)) ;
// Create the button.
auto newbut = new QPushButton(ui->centralwidget) ;
newbut->setObjectName(name) ;
newbut->setText(display) ;
// Insert here any call to "connect" or other customization functions.
// Store the new button inside ONE of these containers.
anonymousStorage->push_back(newbut) ;
namedStorage[name] = newbut ;
To retrieve / use them:
// Click on button 12 - assuming you checked it exists before, obviously...
anonymousStorage[12]->click() ;
// Click on button "Commit" - assuming you checked it exists before, obviously...
namedStorage["buttonCommit"]->click() ;