I have calibrated pictures around an object with unknown dimensions and points. The problem is that the extrinsics calibration is not fairly accurate as I don't exactly know the distance between the camera and the object that it turns around. I can find the known length of this object (thus the distance between two 3D points could be 25 thanks to triangulation and 30 in real life). How can I correct the intrinsic parameters of my camera calibration to minimize the geometric error?
I have some difficulties to know what terms I have to look for (to get results on Google that would help me). I found some minimization methods that requires a match between image points and corresponding 3d points (that I don't have) but this doesn't help me much.
Does just multiplying the distance with a computed scale factor works for all distances?
EDIT : There is a rigidity constrains. Only one camera takes all the pictures. So only one intrinsic matrix is needed.
Since you use camera in the singular, I assume this is not a stereo setup. If your camera is already well calibrated, i.e., you accurately know its intrinsic parameters, your problem is not one of calibration, but of scale: