I am using a Web Worker to do calculation on a GeoTiff file. I call the function getRidgePoints
from CalculateRidge.ts
, and this function creates a worker, posts the message to the worker, and then awaits a result from the worker, and finally, terminates the worker after the result is gotten and returns the result. The worker is being wrapped in a "await"-function (i have heard about Comlink, but i found this solution and it works great).
The worker has an addEventListener
that executes the function CreateRidge_Init
that will do the calculations. This function loads a GeoTiff file, reads it and does calculation based on values read from this file.
My problem is:
This code wont build. I get the following error when trying to build the code:
Error [RollupError]: Invalid value "iife" for option "output.format" - UMD and IIFE output formats are not supported for code-splitting builds.
at error (file:///C:/Users/ono/Documents/Programmering/solar-analysis-faroe-island/node_modules/rollup/dist/es/shared/node-entry.js:2125:30)
at validateOptionsForMultiChunkOutput (file:///C:/Users/ono/Documents/Programmering/solar-analysis-faroe-island/node_modules/rollup/dist/es/shared/node-entry.js:17493:16)
at Bundle.generate (file:///C:/Users/ono/Documents/Programmering/solar-analysis-faroe-island/node_modules/rollup/dist/es/shared/node-entry.js:17384:17)
at async file:///C:/Users/ono/Documents/Programmering/solar-analysis-faroe-island/node_modules/rollup/dist/es/shared/node-entry.js:25683:27
at async catchUnfinishedHookActions (file:///C:/Users/ono/Documents/Programmering/solar-analysis-faroe-island/node_modules/rollup/dist/es/shared/node-entry.js:24770:20)
at async serialBundleWorkerEntry (file:///C:/Users/ono/Documents/Programmering/solar-analysis-faroe-island/node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-d305c21f.js:22316:61) {
url: 'https://rollupjs.org/configuration-options/#output-format',
pluginCode: 'INVALID_OPTION',
plugin: 'vite:worker',
hook: 'transform',
id: 'C:/Users/ono/Documents/Programmering/solar-analysis-faroe-island/src/lib/Functions/CalculateRidgeWorker.ts?worker&url',
watchFiles: [
... basicly all the files used in this project ...
I have tested different things, and i notice that it is the combination of using both GeoTiff.js (fromArrayBuffer()
and .getImage()
) and a Web Worker that causes the error:
on the main thread, the build works.fromArrayBuffer()
and .getImage()
in the Web Worker, the build works.I have tried to play around with the build.rollupOptions settings, but with no error change in the build. I want to add, that the code works perfectly fine in development.
import workerUrl from "src/lib/Functions/CalculateRidgeWorker?worker&url";
import type { Pos, Point } from "../Stores";
// The function calling the worker.
export async function getRidgePoints(pos: Pos) {
// Create a worker
const worker = new Worker(workerUrl, { type: 'module' })
// Send a value to the worker.
// Wait for the worker to process the sent value and recieve the calculated value.
const result = await runWorker(worker);
// Terminate the worker.
return result
// An await function that will wait for a message from the worker
function runWorker(worker: Worker): Promise<Point[]> {
return new Promise(resolve => {
worker.onmessage = (e:MessageEvent<Point[]>) => {
addEventListener('message', async (e:MessageEvent<Pos>) => {
let pos = e.data;
let points = await getRidgePoints_Init(pos)
// If i bypass the web worker, and execute this function on
// the main thread, the code does build succesfully.
async function getRidgePoints_Init(pos_m: Pos) {
const DSM_Base = new URL(import.meta.url)
const DSM_25M = new URL('FO_DSM_2017_FOTM_25M_DEFLATE_UInt16.tif', DSM_Base.origin);
const DSM_5M = new URL('FO_DSM_2017_FOTM_5M_DEFLATE_UInt16.tif', DSM_Base.origin);
// Load the 25M resolution map.
let image_25M = await fetch(url)
.then(response => response.arrayBuffer())
.then(tiff => fromArrayBuffer(tiff)) // If i comment out these two lines when using a
.then(result => result.getImage()) // web worker, the code does build succesfully.
... Does alot of calculations based on this file ...
return result
My current vite.config.ts file:
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import { svelte } from '@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte'
import path from 'path';
// https://vitejs.dev/config/
export default defineConfig({
base: "/solar-analysis-faroe-island/",
plugins: [svelte()],
build: {
rollupOptions: {
output: {
format: "esm",
inlineDynamicImports: true,
resolve: {
alias: {
src: path.resolve('src/'),
I tried to change the output format in the rollup options, but i was supposed to change the format for the worker itself (i did not know there was a .worker option). This vite.config.js file solved the error, and now the project is succesfully building and working:
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import { svelte } from '@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte'
import path, { resolve } from 'path';
// https://vitejs.dev/config/
export default defineConfig({
base: "/solar-analysis-faroe-island/",
plugins: [svelte()],
worker: {
format: "es"
resolve: {
alias: {
src: path.resolve('src/'),