How can I access the filesystem from a Neo4j script? I need to call apoc.load.json on all the files contained in a directory ...
so the pseudo code should be
get list of files in directory
UNWIND list of files AS filename
call apoc.json.load (filename) YIELD value
WITH value
blah blah
There is now (at least since neo4j 4.1) an function that can return all the file names that conform to a pattern under a directory. In neo4j 5.x, it is found in the extended apoc plugin.
For example, to get all the .json
files directly under the configured import
directory (read the docs to understand how directories are handled):
CALL'*.json', '', {recursive: false}) YIELD value AS filepaths
UNWIND filepaths AS filepath
CALL apoc.json.load (filepath) YIELD value AS row
// Process each row