Search code examples

Move next line to current line after "+"

I have text file with data as you can see below

  1  0.751E-04  0.000E+00  0.113E-04  0.735E-05 -0.530E-05  0.410E-06 -0.805E-06      +
    -0.442E-06  0.476E-06 -0.252E-06
  2  0.792E-04  0.000E+00  0.134E-04  0.680E-05 -0.504E-05  0.435E-06 -0.895E-06      +
    -0.216E-06  0.149E-06 -0.133E-06

I want to move the line after + to the above or current line as shown below

  1  0.751E-04  0.000E+00  0.113E-04  0.735E-05 -0.530E-05  0.410E-06 -0.805E-06 -0.442E-06  0.476E-06 -0.252E-06
  2  0.792E-04  0.000E+00  0.134E-04  0.680E-05 -0.504E-05  0.435E-06 -0.895E-06 -0.216E-06  0.149E-06 -0.133E-06

I tried awk using below code

awk '{if($0 ~ /+/) print $0; getline; print}' A1.txt

With this code I get the output same as the input and the line/row is not moving up.

I also tried tr

 tr '      +' ' ' < A1.txt >> ddg.txt

But got the same as output without the + sign.

I can share an example input file but I do not see an option here. Can I upload it in google drive and share the link or would that be against the forum's rules?


  • With :

    awk 'BEGIN{RS=""}{gsub(/ +\+\n +/, " ")}1' file

    With GNU :

    sed -z 's/ \++\n \+/ /g' file

    With :

    perl -0777 -pe 's/\s+\+\n\s+/ /g' file
      1  0.751E-04  0.000E+00  0.113E-04  0.735E-05 -0.530E-05  0.410E-06 -0.805E-06 -0.442E-06  0.476E-06 -0.252E-06
      2  0.792E-04  0.000E+00  0.134E-04  0.680E-05 -0.504E-05  0.435E-06 -0.895E-06 -0.216E-06  0.149E-06 -0.133E-06