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How can I use Packer to build an image in Azure with a large file?

I want to build an image in Azure on Windows 2019 with a large file. The file contains the artifacts I need to create my image. All was going well getting the VM going until I tried to copy a 200MB file to the host. That was slated to take 11 hours. That's when I found out about WinRM and its file copy limitations.

I then found out about the http_directory parameter to copy a file to the host over http, but that is not available with the azure-arm builder.

I then saw that I can use SSH. The issue is I cannot start with the ssh provisioner and switch to the WinRM provisioner to run my ps1 configuration script. I read I can start with ssh, take an image and then start it up with WinRM. Not ideal.

I came across this software: "" - but I am unaware of a way for a provisioned host to directly access the packer host it was provisioned by.

I came across winrmcp but that seems old and not likely to work if I could ever figure out how to get it going.

I am leaning towards blob storage, but that seems like a cop-out.

What is the best way to start a Windows 2019 Server, copy a 200MB file to it and run a ps1 script?


  • You can try to copy your file using Ansible provisioner. It is much faster. When I was copying a 10MB file, file provisioner took around 4 minutes but Ansible provisioner only 15 seconds.

    Packer file:

    source "azure-arm" "example" {
      use_azure_cli_auth                = true
      os_type                           = "Windows"
      communicator                      = "winrm"
      image_offer                       = "WindowsServer"
      image_publisher                   = "MicrosoftWindowsServer"
      image_sku                         = "2016-Datacenter"
      managed_image_name                = "image"
      managed_image_resource_group_name = "rg"
      location                          = "westeurope"
      vm_size                           = "Standard_D2_v2"
      winrm_insecure = true
      winrm_timeout  = "5m"
      winrm_use_ssl  = true
      winrm_username = "packer"
    build {
      sources = [""]
      provisioner "ansible" {
        playbook_file = "./copy.yml"
        extra_arguments = [
          "-e", "ansible_winrm_server_cert_validation=ignore",
          "-e", "ansible_winrm_transport=ntlm"
        user      = "packer"
        use_proxy = false

    Ansible playbook - copy.yml:

    - name: Copy file to Windows host
      hosts: all
        - name: Copy file
            src: ./10MB.bin
            dest: C:\10MB.bin