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REGEX Select From Where Word NOT Found Difficulty

I need a regex to match phishing email names, where a specific name or word is NOT found.

For example...

John Smith ([email protected])
John Smith ([email protected])
John Smith ([email protected])
John Smith ([email protected])

Where the bottom email is the only legit email, and needs to be ignored.

I have tried similar to:


But this fails to select the 3 bad emails. Also tried similar to:


but this method only removes the Gmail one.

How can I properly pattern match to remove all bad emails regardless of letter case, and to only allow one domain (in this case and no others?


  • You may use this regex with a negative look ahead condition


    RegEx Demo

    RegEx Details:

    • ^: Start
    • [jJ]ohn: Match John or john
    • .: Match any character
    • [sS]mith[: Match Smith or smith
    • [^@]*: Match 0 or kore of any character except @
    • @: Match a @
    • (?!mymail\.com): Negative lookahead to fail the match if we have is at next position
    • .+: Match 1+ of any character