I'm writing some python Web3 application on blockchain, and I want to be absolutely sure my transaction is stable in the blockchain.
By going through the Python Web3 library I wondered that no embedded function allow to check how many replications of the block chain have written my transaction.
I'm looking for something like:
Count_replica = web3.eth.count_replica('0x_my_transaction_hash')
The method will return an integer corresponding on how many nodes have my transaction hash
I finally went with a Solution hope this one is a not that so bad.
I first went to the Eth Mainnet list provider Then i took a sample of the most stable RPC server the the best Latency and the overall best score. then simply write a validation function that check on those nodes if my transaction have been written. i take the bett that if my transaction have been written on at least 10 RPC nodes it would be stable.
my code looks like
from web3 import Web3
ListOfValidationNodesConnect=[Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(i)) for i in ListOfValidationNodes ]
def MultiNodeValidation(tx_hash):
for index,i in enumerate(ListOfValidationNodesConnect):
transact = dict(i.eth.get_transaction(tx_hash))
# transaction hash was not found on the nodes and return an error
return len([x for x in connList if x['valid']==True])==len(connList),connList
Would appreciate some feedback :)