I have a csv file call Full-List.csv that have columns like this
Old_URL Number
I have another csv file Sub-List.csv that have columns like this
Old_URL New_URL Title Owner
I'm just wondering how can I compare the two csv file using Old_URL column and output to another csv file that look something like this. Basically it'll include a "Number" column now.
New_URL Title Owner Number
$left = Import-Csv 'C:\Users\Downloads\New folder\Full-List.csv'
$right = Import-Csv 'C:\Users\Downloads\New folder\Sub-List.csv'
Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $left -DifferenceObject $right -Property Old_URL -IncludeEqual -ExcludeDifferent |
ForEach-Object {
$iItem = $_
$ileft = $left.Where({$_.Old_URL -eq $iItem.Old_URL })
$iright = $right.Where({$_.Old_URL -eq $iItem.Old_URL})
New_URL = $iright.New_URL
Number =$ileft.Number
Title = $iright.Title
Owner =$iright.Owner
} | Export-Csv 'C:\Users\Downloads\New folder\Combined.csv' -NoTypeInformation
There are matching Old_URL in both file but some reason my Combined.csv output is empty so any help or suggestion would be really appreciated.
You should really consider using hash table for this, Group-Object -AsHashtable
does a great job simplifying this process. Once you have your lookup table you can enumerate the Full-List
CSV and output only those objects having a correlated Old_URL
$map = Import-Csv path\to\Sub-List.csv | Group-Object Old_URL -AsHashTable -AsString
Import-Csv path\to\Full-List.csv | ForEach-Object {
if($map.ContainsKey($_.Old_URL)) {
New_URL = $map[$_.Old_URL].New_URL
Title = $map[$_.Old_URL].Title
Owner = $map[$_.Old_URL].Owner
Number = $_.Number
} | Export-Csv path\to\mergedCsv.csv -NoTypeInformation