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graphql-ws createClient throws WebSocket implementation missing

I have a nextjs(client side) project, I followed this to subscribe to my graphql subscription but I got "WebSocket implementation missing; on Node you can import WebSocket from 'ws'; and pass webSocketImpl: WebSocket to createClient" , it seems to it wants me to provide a websocket implementation (is't websocket api implemented in browsers?!)(shouldn't it be in their docs?), any way I don't want to add apollo to my dependencies if it's your answer. here is the impementation of the createClient that cause the Error

If it helps this is the prefered stack (graphql-codegen, react-query, graphql-request, graphql-ws)

even here no webSocketImpl is provides for createClient

thanks in advance


  • Since I'm new to js and frontend dev I was writing the code in the main block of the nextjs component and not in some hook like useEffect and this triggers the graphql-ws that this environment is server side and not a browser (I'm still not sure if this is the right behavior to have)