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ASP.NET Core - MapFallbackToFile() with condition based on subdomain

I have a YARP gateway that serves static SPA files.


Now I need to serve another bundle of static SPA files for a specific subdomain.

So if hostname starts with for example admin. (never mind the domain) I need to serve the index.html inside wwwroot/admin, otherwise I need to serve the index.html inside wwwroot (which I can move to another folder as well).

How can I achieve that?


  • This is what worked for me, it's based on the MapFallbackToFile() source code.

    app.MapFallback(CreateRequestDelegate(app, "index.html"))
       .WithMetadata(new HttpMethodMetadata(new[] { HttpMethods.Get, HttpMethods.Head }));
    static RequestDelegate CreateRequestDelegate(
        IEndpointRouteBuilder endpoints,
        string filePath,
        StaticFileOptions? options = null)
        var app = endpoints.CreateApplicationBuilder();
        app.Use(next => context =>
            if (context.Request.Host.Host.StartsWith("admin", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                filePath = "admin/" + filePath;
            context.Request.Path = "/" + filePath;
            // Set endpoint to null so the static files middleware will handle the request.
            return next(context);
        if (options == null)
        return app.Build();

    The problem with @Guru's answer was that it made the browser to download the HTML file instead of rendering it.