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convert asc to raster with sf

I don't have an asc file handy right now for a reproducible example. I want to be able to read an asc file into R and then convert it to raster using the sf package. How can I accomplish that in R?

dummy Example:

x = read.table("Myfile.asc")
xx <- st_as_sf(x)  #convert to sf
#now save xx as sf spatial object


  • Use terra package.

    If you want to convert the raster to a sf object, the way to do it is to convert first to polygons with terra and then use st_as_sf:

    # Create an asc file for the example
    #> terra 1.7.23
    f <- system.file("ex/elev.tif", package = "terra")
    r <- rast(f)
    writeRaster(r, "Myfile.asc")
    # Head
    cat(readLines("Myfile.asc")[1:6], sep = "\n")
    #> ncols        95
    #> nrows        90
    #> xllcorner    5.741666666667
    #> yllcorner    49.441666666667
    #> cellsize     0.008333333333
    #> NODATA_value -32768

    Now the code snippet:

    # Read with terra as raster
    xx <- rast("Myfile.asc")
    #> class       : SpatRaster 
    #> dimensions  : 90, 95, 1  (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
    #> resolution  : 0.008333333, 0.008333333  (x, y)
    #> extent      : 5.741667, 6.533333, 49.44167, 50.19167  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
    #> coord. ref. : lon/lat WGS 84 
    #> source      : Myfile.asc 
    #> name        : elevation 
    #> min value   :       141 
    #> max value   :       547

    Basically you are done, but if you want to convert this to sf (i.e. convert raster data to vector data) you can do:

    # Convert to vector in sf
    #> Linking to GEOS 3.8.0, GDAL 3.0.4, PROJ 6.3.1; sf_use_s2() is TRUE
    sfobj <- st_as_sf(as.polygons(xx, dissolve = FALSE))
    #> Simple feature collection with 4608 features and 1 field
    #> Geometry type: POLYGON
    #> Dimension:     XY
    #> Bounding box:  xmin: 5.75 ymin: 49.45 xmax: 6.525 ymax: 50.18333
    #> Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
    #> First 10 features:
    #>    elevation                       geometry
    #> 1        529 POLYGON ((6 50.175, 6 50.18...
    #> 2        542 POLYGON ((6.008333 50.175, ...
    #> 3        547 POLYGON ((6.016667 50.175, ...
    #> 4        535 POLYGON ((6.025 50.175, 6.0...
    #> 5        485 POLYGON ((5.966667 50.16667...
    #> 6        497 POLYGON ((5.975 50.16667, 5...
    #> 7        515 POLYGON ((5.983333 50.16667...
    #> 8        515 POLYGON ((5.991667 50.16667...
    #> 9        515 POLYGON ((6 50.16667, 6 50....
    #> 10       518 POLYGON ((6.008333 50.16667...
    plot(sfobj["elevation"], border = NA, nbreaks = 9, pal = terrain.colors)

    Created on 2023-04-20 with reprex v2.0.2