I have 2 SQL Azure databases (vCore). I want to configure table replication as follows:
This article I found says that SQL Azure can only be the subscriber and not the distributor.
Is it possible to do this in SQL Azure? Please help.
Thank you
As per this Azure Sql database works as subscriber for transactional and snapshot replication. So, it is not possible for Azure SQL database, but if you want to perform above replication you should use Azure SQL managed instance otherwise you should use third party components like Synapse SQL link. Link SQL database to the synapse workspace and do above replications. Synapse Link: On the set system assigned managed identity to on in sql server:
Login to SQL database with administrator authentication, add user to synapse workspace and add roles using below code:
ALTER ROLE [db_owner] ADD MEMBER <workspaceName>;
Go to synapse workspace Go to Integrate
click on +
select Link Connection
Create linked service of SQL database and select that as source select the required tables:
Select target pool
Provide a name for link connection and compute the settings
Click on Ok, you can set target table names and distributions
Start the link connection. you can use this to replications for more information you can refer this) .