Let the following be the tree zipper:
type 'a ntree = Node of 'a * 'a ntree list
type 'a context =
| Top
| Context of 'a ntree list * 'a * 'a context * 'a ntree list
type 'a tree_zipper = TZ of 'a context * 'a ntree
let tz1 = TZ (Context (
[Node ("*", [Node ("a", []); Node ("b", [])])], (*left siblings in reverse order *)
"+", (*value of parent node *)
Top, (*parent's context *)
[]), (*right sibling in order *)
Node ("*", [Node ("c", []); Node ("d", [])]));;
What is the difference between this next operation (mine):
let next_exn (TZ (c, t)) = (* on the right, not possible when context is top or right = []*)
match c with
| Top -> failwith "right of top node"
| Context (left, v, up, []) -> failwith "right of last child" (*explain*)
| Context (left, v, up, r::right) -> TZ (Context (t::left, v, up, right), r)
and the provided solution:
let next_exn (TZ (c, t)) = (* on the right, not possible when context is top or right = []*)
match c with
| Top -> failwith "right of top node"
| Context(left, v, up, r::right) -> TZ (Context(t::left, v, up, right), r)
| _ -> failwith "right of last child"
I assume they are the same, but I might be missing something.
Also, why we set the left siblings list in down_exn
to []
let down_exn (TZ (c, t)) =
match t with (* go to first child *)
| Node (_, []) -> failwith "down of leaf"
| Node (v, d::ds) -> TZ (Context([], v, c, ds), d)
Yes, the two are effectively equivalent. When reordering patterns in match
expressions, remember that it will evaluate the corresponding expression for the first pattern that matches.
It's a matter of opinion, but I certainly prefer to have the simplest outcomes (including exceptions or recursion base cases) before more complex outcomes. Based on reading a lot of code, I suspect I'm not alone in that preference.
As for your second question, if we go "down", we are going "down" to the left-most node, so there cannot be sibling nodes to the left.