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Why can't the maven-deploy-plugin resolve my custom system property?

I'm using the gmaven-plugin to set a custom system property in my POM. This seems to work, as I'm able to successfully echo the property using the maven-antrun-plugin; however, the maven-deploy-plugin seems completely unaware of the property and is unable to resolve it.

Relevant portion of the POM:

                            System.setProperty("nodotsversion", "${env.PATCH_VERSION}".replace('.', ''))

            <version>1.6</version><!-- 1.2 in central -->
                            <echo message="${nodotsversion}" />     


When I run this with mvn clean install deploy:deploy-file, I get the following error:

Caused by: org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException: The artifact information is incomplete or not valid:
  [0]  'artifactId' with value 'patch${nodotsversion}' does not match a valid id pattern.

Why is the maven-antrun-plugin able to resolve my custom system property, while the maven-deploy-plugin is not?


  • I'm not sure, but I believe that the ${...} placeholder syntax can only resolve project properties. I believe the system properties are added to the project properties at a point in the build, which is why system properties are available in this way, but a system property added later in the build won't be available. You should add the property to the project properties instead.